Philips BS03313 Brochure Download Page 2



Product highlights

Adtraxion break


Date of issue 2007-02-22

Version: 2.0

12 NC: 8639 000 16398
EAN: 87 10895 90942 6

© 2007 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. 
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips 
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.

Trigger individual players

When connected in a LAN and playing out centrally 

managed content local players can be triggered 

individually in order to play out dedicated content for a 

certain location.

Interrupt running schedule

Running schedules can be interrupted for immediate 

announcements by the touch of a button. After the 

announcement is finished the player returns to the 

original running content schedule.

Insert text on screens

On a local level text can be inserted in for instance a 

tickertape. Without disturbing the running sequence. 

Just by typing in the text on a pc wich runs the break 

application or by pushing a pre-defined button.

Multi Layer programming

Within a single Adtraxion Break module multiple trigger 

events can be easily programmed. Using the multi layer 

utility prevents mixing up of triggers and gives more 


Click and Go operation

The Adtraxion Break module can easily be installed in 

the Adtraxion system. The cretaion of a break lay-out is 

simple. No programming experience is required.

Free interface design

You can create your own graphic interfaces to match 

your housestyle. Graphics, pictures can be easily 

imported. Buttons can be freely placed in any size and 

positon. Graphics can be assigned to a button to create 

intuitive operation.

Easily change lay-outs

Simply by choosing the edit mode gives you the 

possibility to change the lay-out of the interface by 

dragging individual items to another position or add and 

remove items.

Operational and edit modes

The Adtraxion Break software can run in separate 

operational and edit modes in order to prevent 

accidental changes.
