Philips BDP2700 User Manual Download Page 45




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Summary of Contents for BDP2700

Page 1: ...Register your product and get support at www philips com welcome BDP5200K 93 EN User manual 9 ZH CN Ⴌ߀ Ҭ 33 ...

Page 2: ...1 Hookup and play EN ZH CN Before you connect this Blu ray disc DVD player read and understand all accompanying instructions ঙඵ आְਃ ޝޝ ௯ DVD ӎ ࡱۄ ሏಏĩೊྗᅩ٢Ӌ क๐ᄗ םܚ ฌ d ...

Page 3: ...3 HDMI VIDEO COAXIAL AUDIO LINE OUT VIDEO COAXIA A A AL AU UT UDIO LINE OU U 1 Register your product and get support at www philips com welcome EN User manual BDP5200 ...



Page 6: ...6 4 3 5 SOURCE 1 2 TV ...

Page 7: ...7 6 USB DVD VCD CD BD BD 3D DivX Plus HD MKV MP3 JPEG 2 3 4 1 browse USB play Disc Setup browse PC 1 2 3 browse USB play Disc Setup browse PC ...

Page 8: ...శ 37 RMVB ࡩ RM 37 ӎ ۄ ოਣ భ 38 ਃ ޝޝ ௯൪ BonusView ݡ 38 ਃ ޝޝ ௯൪ BD Live ݡ 38 ӎ ۄ ਃ ޝ 3D శ 39 ඃሤ 39 iPhone 40 ت ங DLNA 41 গ OK 41 ᄊ Philips EasyLink 42 3 ۃۻ ഥᇆ 43 ࠤ 43 ඔო 44 ĥПቯcታ Ħ 44 ැာ ĥᄶၟcࢧԫেሧ Ħ 44 ܼࢋာ ĥೄք և Ħ 45 4 ࡵೌྑۻ 46 ົ ࠜ ݙ പ 46 ົ USB ඃ ݙ പ 46 5 ۰ 47 6 ܧ ᅴᇙ ވ ԭড়ٞ ى 49 7 ρಊ ވ ᇛဵሃၭ ཟ 52 ...

Page 9: ...ЫѰ٦३ᇉ ᅿӎ ۄ ࢹĩСႽྑСைफ েሧd σ୪ Ҥቘ ຶሚӎ ۄ d Сበ ĥԳ Ħ ח ঙࡩ ޓ Ҡ ޝ ௯ӿd ᆂຶӎ ۄ d ܑڳ Сቑሂଆफd ঙඵࡩࢡဥӎ ۄ d ອሢ൪ႤࡩྑႤ c ᇅऍࡩ d ໞࡩ फd ܑڳ Сস ܡݙ ศ ะ٩d СႤྑ ĩ ࠌС ଆफd 8 2 ာᆖოశᄶၟࡩඔ d 68 7 7 ာᆖን ᄶၟd 6 0 18 323 83 0 18 फനࡩໞս ޝ ௯Ӵ ר d 723 0 18 ۂ శ ޝ ௯ ቘӴ ר d ҕ೨σ୪ ਃ ޝޝ ௯ာᆖഋརࡩာ d ߖ Ӵ ר d ᅿ భ ۄ ჺ ࢹС ชඪᇮࡩ ඪᇮဪ ቩ భd 2 ഌာᆖࡩෝനd ࡏڴ ൪Ⴄ ྣݓ භӴ ר d ӎ ۄ ࢹ ځݙ ۂ ာ d ...

Page 10: ...ྭᄡ DivX శĦ d ൌ ķ ົ ႌে ൪ ንСைອሢሙ ى ඪࢹd ֿ ف ၿ იခ ķ ာᆖ ڟ ოశᄶၟ ĥऩྭᄡለ BonusView ਃ ޝޝ ௯Ħ d ֿ ف ሷଢიခ ķ ာᆖ ڟ ን ᄶၟ ĥऩྭᄡለ BonusView ਃ ޝޝ ௯Ħ d їู ķ ာᆖҵທd ᅧࢯ ķ ာᆖᇅऍd हজ OK ķ ඃሤগ OK ݡ d ൮ ਝњ ķ ာᆖ ޖ ণྯࡱࣺ٩d Җ ķ ྣභ ޝ ௯Ӵ ר d PIP ᄸ ķ ྣභࠤሱࠤ ĥऩྭᄡለ BonusView ਃ ޝޝ ௯Ħ d ෮٦ ķ ᅿ శࠤ ሱ ۄ d С ာᆖ ۄ d ᇛ ڳ ķ ሹܑӎ ۄ ᇅऍࡩҵທd ᇛ ڳ A B ķ ҵ Ⴄ ݓ ᇅऍடᄊᄡሹܑӎ ۄ ੨ ئݓ ĩ ࡩ ޓ Ҡሹܑ୨බd རഥᇆ ķ ာᆖᅉඃെӳඃሤd ሃ স ᄊ శာ ೞইᄡ శਁᅙd 1 2 3 ...

Page 11: ...ቩ భ 90 ٩d С ࢡဥӎ ۄ d ൌᆐ ላ 90 ķ ඪᇮဪቩ భ 90 ٩d С ࢡဥӎ ۄ d ෮٦ ķ טۄ భd С ာᆖ ۄ d С ࢡဥӎ ۄ d ྔ ķ ྣභ భ ཱd ૈᅪߜ ൌ ķ ඃሤ భྣභࢹ ݑ d ߜ ߆ײ ķ ာᆖ భ d རഥᇆ ķ ာᆖᅉඃെӳඃሤd ᇛ ڳ ķ ሹܑӎ ۄ ๐ာ ࢥd ၿ ཟ ܑڳ С সᅿႽྑာ ሏࢹး ಯ d ሹܑӎ ۄ ಏ d ሹܑӎ ޝۄ ௯ࡩ ࢥሱ ๐ᄗ d Ⴝ ࡱး ชဟӎ ۄ ოశ d ޓ Ҡሹܑ୨බd 1 2 3 ...

Page 12: ...ק ᄶc ߢਉᄶc ۑ ਉᄶc ڧ ᄶc ڜܤ ᄶc ᄶc ੈט ᄶc ڜ ᄶ ĥ ق ᄶĦ c ᄶc ຆ ᄶc ཨэ ᄶc ഭ ا ᄶߦ໔ ڛ ᄶ ᇓ໗ ࣇບሱ ْ ᇓ໗ი ڰ ບሱ ݦ ი ჩᄶߦ߄ᄶ ሃ ႓ָ USB ևඃ ӎ ۄ DivX DRM Ѯࠛ ĩ ೊົ HDMI ְࣞӎ ࡱۄ आሢ ت d ႓ ᄊን ĩ ೊ Ѯን ᄲ DivX శ ୢd തĩ ത DivX శ ୢ qmovie avir ĩ ᆗࣞ ን ઘ qmovie srtr ࡩ qmovie subr d ӎ ࡱۄ সႽӎ ۄ Ⴝྑ ݎ බ ን ķ srtc subc txtc ssa ߦ smid 509 ࠋ 50 ໗ࡵ ிসႽָ ޝ ௯ࡩ 86 ևඃ ӎ ۄ 509 ࡩ 50 d 5HDO 0HGLD 9DULDEOH LWUDWH 509 ߦ 5HDO0HGLD 50 ঊѩ߅ოశߦ శd ிসႽ ࣞ 509 ࡩ...

Page 13: ...d 1 ӎ ۄ ඪĩ С d ࣞྣභာ Ӵ ר d 2 ာᆖ PIP ᄸ PIP ĩ ࠌС OKd ࠤሱࠤာ 1 2 მ శடച ڙ ვd ࣞྣභ ቛ శ d 3 ာᆖ ֿ ف ၿ იခ ࡩ ֿ ف ሷଢიခ ĩ ࠌС OKd থܿܿ ഌ BD Live ୃ ۂ ١ࢧᅿྮடചĩ ത ت ჷᅉ భcᄕ cઐඔࢅ ๒ࠟဢடചd ְ ݡ ऩසᄊᄡለ BD Live ਃ ޝޝ ௯d 1 ቻ ࠜ आߦඃሤ ĥೊӷᅩ qඃሤ r Ħ d 2 ࣞ USB ևඃ आሢְӎ ࡱۄ d USB ևඃ ᄊᄡ ևྑᅽ BD Live டചd ႓ քႽಏྑᅽ USB ևඃ ൪ BD Live டചႽҮෆ ۄ ட ĩ ೊС Ӌာᆖ ഥᇆ ౦Ԧխԩ d 3 ӎ ۄ ለ BD Live ޝ ௯d 4 ᅿ ޝ ௯Ӵ ר ൪ĩ ာᆖ BD Live ҵĩ ࠌС OKd BD Live ঙඵࢨᅽdࢨᅽඪࢹმ ޝ ௯ߦࠜ आೈ ...

Page 14: ...D ޝ ௯ ჼᄗࢻചᄡ ت 3D ၦॆd 1 Ѯ 3D ෝսႺ ח ঙķ С ĩ ࠌာᆖ ഥᇆ ൮ ܸॅ 3D ൮ ስ ײ d 2 ӎ ۄ ਃ ޝ 3D శd 3 ל ൪ 3D ၦॆບၴ 3D d ႓Ⴝ 2D ୨බӎ ۄ 3D శĩ ೊ ޓ Ҡਃ ޝ 3D ෝս ĥС ĩ ࠌာᆖ ൮ ܸॅ 3D ൮ ܵ Ħ d ഥᇆອ ࣞ ӎ ࡱۄ आሢ ت ங ߦࠜ ĩࢉস ۂ Ⴝྑ རķ ᛖয DLNA ń ӎ ਁۄ ና ت ங ᇘభc ოਣߦ శ d ࡵೌྑۻ ń ົ ࠜ ݙ ӎ ࡱۄ പ d BD Liveń ۂ ᅿྮࠟဢடച ĥසᄊᄡለ BD Live ਃ ޝޝ ௯Ħ d 1 ົ ᄗྮ ĥႽ Ħ ࡩཏྮ आְࣞӎ ࡱۄ आሢ ت ங ߦࠜ d ְӎ ࡱۄ ჼᄗᄊᄡཏྮ आ டሤ Wi Fid PC DLNA PC DLNA ...

Page 15: ...hilips ረ ාࡱেሧჭᄊՓဟ ி iPhoned ְࣞӎ ࡱۄ आሢࢧຸ ĥೊӷᅩ qඃሤ r Ħ d ࣞி iPhone आሢྯ ࢧຸ ĥᄗ ྐྵޓ ೈĩ ೊӷᅩ iPhone ᄊࠞාԊĦ d iPhone ३ᇉ 1 ࣞ ޝ ௯ࡩ USB ևඃ Ԏനְӎ ࡱۄ d 2 ᅿ iPhone ూ ൪ĩ ೀ ረ ාࡱেሧ ҵd ത েሧ ҵଢᄗսྥĩ ೊࣞ Philips ረ ාࡱেሧჭᄊՓဟྑᅽሢ iPhoned ศ ࠌĩ ࣞྣභְӎ ࡱۄ ୢՍd 3 ָ iPhone ూ ာᆖְӎ ࡱۄ d ᄊ ְӎ ࡱۄ ႌে iPhone Ⴚ ᄊd েሧСைࣞྣභᅿ iPhone ూ ൪ĩӋಱেሧ ݡ მӎ ۄ ୨බ ڙ ვd 4 ָ iPhone ూ ൪ೀ ਁᅙာ গĩ ࠌာᆖ DISC ࡩ USB ာ d ְඪ ޝ ௯ࡩ USB ևඃ ሱ ࢥࣞࡘྣභd 5 ח ঙ ࢥĩ ࠌာᆖ႓ӎ ۄ d 6 ...

Page 16: ...ࡩ ܼݙ ѓ Ħ ሱĩ ிပ႓ ඃሤķ a ࣞགྷ ତບᄲ ӎ ྼݭࡱۄ ĥೊӷᅩତບ ར പ ሱ qќቛr Ħ d b ࡩ ྼݭ ຢࢨ ତບ ĥೊӷᅩତບ ར പ ሱ qќቛr Ħ d 3 С d 4 ာᆖ ᛖয ӋС OKd ࣞྣභடച d 5 ာᆖ ĩ ࠌС OK ӎ ۄ d ிসႽেሧӎ ޝۄ ௯ӎ ݡۄ d हজOK 1 ࣞૼ ۦ ĥ ۆ ܚ Ħ आሢӎ ࡱۄ ൪ MIC Ԏ d 2 С ྣභቘӴ ר d 3 ာᆖ ഥᇆ ၿ हজ OK ĩ ࠌС OKd ࣞྣභগ OK Ӵ ר d 4 ာᆖ ઞड़ ڈ ऻ ĩ ࠌС OK ח ঙૼ ۦ ඔოෝսd 5 ӎ ۄ গ OK శ ޝ ௯ĩ ࠌ ٵ ኄૼ ۦ Ա d हজ OK Җ ۃۻ हজ OK ഥᇆ ઞड़ ڈ ķ ח ঙࡩ ޓ Ҡૼ ۦ ඔოෝսd ઞड़ ڈ ၿ ķ ۦ ૼܡݙ ო੪d ശ ķ ࡏܡݙ ოࢋһd ࠒ ל ķ ݖ ८ி ...

Page 17: ...Link ࢻചඃ dPhilips ӤѮህ ԣసসᄲ๐ᄗ HDMI CEC ඃ फ ࠜԂ d 1 ົ HDMI आ HDMI CEC ࢻചඃ ĩ ࠌ ח ঙ ت ࢅ ๒ඃ ൪ HDMI CEC Ԃ ĥᄗ ྐྵޓ ೈĩ ೊӷᅩ ت ࡩ ๒ඃ ᄊࠞාԊĦ d 2 С d 3 ာᆖ ഥᇆ EasyLink d 4 ာᆖ ऻ ĥ ٵ ᄡႽྑာ ķ EasyLink c ࡳ Ѱ٦ ߦ ࡳ քࠓ Ħ d EasyLink ݡ ࣞ ח ঙd ࡳ Ѱ٦ ᅿְӎ ࡱۄ ൪ӎ ޝۄ ௯ඪĩ ت ࣞናِಯ ሢሀ శෝനᅙd ࡳ քࠓ ᄊ ና ם ႌে आ ඃ ĥത ت Ħ फന ࡱע ታ ඪĩ ӎ ࡱۄ ႛࡘናِफന ࡱע ୨බd ...

Page 18: ...С d 2 ာᆖ ഥᇆ ൮ ۂ శඃሤာ d ൮ ଢཅ ķ ာᆖසߨ ت ూ ࠤ ྣභ ݎ බd HDMI ൮ ķ ာᆖ HDMI శ ە ұ d HDMI Deep Color ķ ത වႽ Deep Color ୨බૅሧ శடചĩ Ӌಱ ت ለ ְ ݡ ĩ ᆗ ࣞྣභսെԗߦെ ݙغ ܘ െӳd རഥᇆ ķ ာᆖᅉඃെӳඃሤd ܸॅ 3D ൮ ķ ᅿӎ ۄ ਃ ޝ 3D ޝ ௯ඪඃ 3D ࡩ 2D ෝսd ӎ ࡱۄ ңဘົ HDMI आ ሢ 3D ت d ሃ ത ܡݙ ඃሤĩ ೊ Ѯ ت ለ ඃሤd ٵ ᄡᄲ HDMI ྯ ޓ ඃሤĩ ңဘົ HDMI आ ت d ٵ ᄡܑߨ आ ĥົ VIDEO आ Ħ ĩ ೊᅿ HDMI శ ྑာᆖ 480i 576i ࡩ 480p 576p శ ە ұ ĩ Ⴝ ለ శෝսd ...

Page 19: ... d हজ OK ķ ඃሤগ OK ݡ ĥೊӷᅩ q ᄊி ਃ ޝޝ ௯ DVD ӎ ࡱۄ r qগ OKr Ħ d ሃ ٵ ᄡᄲ HDMI ྯ ޓ ඃሤĩ ңဘົ HDMI आ ت d Ⴂࢹ୨බऩසᄊᄡ٦ғҫ DVD ߦਃ ޝޝ ௯d ອ IJρሑ ሕฃij 1 С d 2 ာᆖ ഥᇆ ອ ۂ ඃሤာ d ອ ρሑ ķ ঙඵᄗྮࡩཏྮПቯႽ ݟ d Ҵॅອ ഥᇆ ķ ྣභ ಏ ታ d Ҵॅ ཐഥᇆ ķ ྣභ ಏ Wi Fi ታ d ۷Ӆ ଅ ķ ְ ӎ ࡱۄ आሢ ඪĩ ሹୣୢӎ ྣࡱۄ භ ୢՍ ĥऩྭᄡ iPhone েሧĦ d ཟIJიခ ࡉӍ३ᇉ ij 1 С d 2 ာᆖ ഥᇆ ཟ ۂ ැာ ඃሤာ d Җ იခ ķ ာᆖూ൪ྣභӴ ר ᄶၟd ၿ ķ ာᆖ శ ოశᄶၟd ሷଢ ķ ာᆖ శ ን ᄶၟd ܿ Җ ķ ာᆖ శ ޝ ௯ Ӵ ר ᄶၟd ؼ ķ ྭሧ ۂ С ࢋҫ ޝ ௯...

Page 20: ... Ҡ ะ ĩ ࡱע ࢹ ߝ ᅙ ݙ d VCD PBC ķ ྣභࡩອ VCD ߦ SVCD டചӴ ר d ሃ ത ැာ ᄶၟӤසᄊᄡ ޝ ௯ᄶၟc ოశࡩን ĩ ᆗসָӴ ר ာ ሱာᆖ ๓ Ӌෝന 4 ᄶၟ ן ĥ ܠ ן সᅿᄊࠞාԊѾ ᇕ Ħ d ത ிာᆖ ᄶၟӤසᄊᄡ ޝ ௯ĩ ӎ ࣞࡱۄ ᄊୱഌ ޝ ௯ᄶၟd ཟIJ౦Ԧխԩ ij 1 С d 2 ာᆖ ഥᇆ ࢋܼ ۂ ඃሤာ d BD Live ρಊ ķ ྭሧࡩᅯယ ۂ BD Live ĥऩྭᄡ ۆ ൧ᄊc ᄊࠞ ࣛ BD Live ޝ ௯Ħ d ೌࡵ ྑۻ ķ ာᆖ ܠ ာ ָ ࡩ USB ևඃ ݙ പ d ౦Ԧխԩ ķ քႽಏྑᅽ USB ևඃ ൪ BD Live டചd ናِ ࣛ qBUDAr ࢥĩ Ⴝ ևྑᅽ BD Live டചd DivX ෟ ൮ ķ ྣභ ӎ ࡱۄ DivX ቡԊ ࡩቡ d ϵЫྔ ķ ྣභ ӎ ࡱ...

Page 21: ...ฌ ݙ പ d പ ݙ Րࠌĩ ӎ ࣞࡱۄ ናِ ޓ ҠӋሹ ח ঙd ݚ USB ഥХ ࡵೌྑۻ 1 ᅿ www philips com support ൪ࣁԒክ പ ѓ d ศ ி ߞĩ ࠌ ר qപ ߦ ِՓဟr d 2 ࣞപ ྑᅽ USB ևඃ ൪d a क၄ ྑᅽ ĩ Ѯक၄ ࢥୢ qUPG_ALLr d b ࣞ qUPG_ALLr ࢥ ۄ ᅿ ݖ ૅሱd 3 ࣞ USB ևඃ आሢ ӎ ࡱۄ ൪ USB आ d 4 С ĩ ࠌာᆖ ഥᇆ d 5 ာᆖ ೌࡵ ྑۻ USB d ത ࣁԋ ࢋତບĩࣞຖභிঙඵ ݙ Ԃ d 6 Сᇘ ت ూ ൪ ฌ ݙ പ d പ ݙ Րࠌĩ ӎ ࣞࡱۄ ናِ ޓ ҠӋሹ ח ঙd ሃၭ ᅿപ ݙ Փሱĩ ೊཡ ޓ Ҡ ت ᅙࡩႯք USB ևඃ ĩ მ ᇥႄኵস ࡘ ࠬ ӎ ࡱۄ d ...

Page 22: ...ოశ CDc CD R CD RWc MP3 ତບc WMA ତບc JPEG DivX Ultra DivX Plus HD ତບc MKV ତບ USB ևඃ ໗ࡵ۰ శķ avic divxc mp4c mkvc wmv rmvb rm ოశķ mp3c wmac wav భķ jpgc gifc png ൮ ߞሧබķ PAL NTSC ܑߨ శෝսķ 1 Vp p ĥ75 Ħ HDMI ෝս 480pc 576pc 720pc 1080ic 1080pc 1080p24 ၿ 2 ඔ ୨ ෝս ಏሤኲᄙඔ ķ 2 Vrms ĥ 1 ಆ Ħ ንෝսķ 0 5 Vp p ĥ75 Ħ ቂ ت ਏ HDMI ෝս Ӳႄశ ķ MP3ķ 32 ಆ c 44 1 ಆ c 48 ಆ WMAķ 44 1 ಆ c 48 ಆ C ...

Page 23: ...T32 ለ ჹ௯ ĥҮ බჹ௯Ħ ķ স ပ႓ आ ت ᅙd ᇺሑᇆ ݡىڏ ķ ઢᅡ 110 ۻ 240 ۻ ĩ 50 ኇ 60 ኇ ߝݡ ķ 18 ࡱע ୨බྑ ߝݡ ĥႺमᄊ ะ Ħ ķ 0 18 զ ĥড় x ܼ x ࠊĦ ķ 435 x 42 x 208 5 ĥߚାĦ ौሹķ 1 65 ಆ ุ ࡵڼ ႌে ߦ ت ᄊࠞාԊ ࠛܿ ۰ ࡹ ޝ ਭ ĥ ޗࢀڟ Ħ ķ AlGaInN BD ĩ AlGaInP DVD CD ӑԫķ 400 410 எା BD c 650 663 எା DVD c 770 800 எା CD ෝս ݡ ĥክ ݡىڏט Ħ ķ 20 ߚ BD c 7 ߚ DVD c 7 ߚ CD ...

Page 24: ...ߞ _____________________________ ဟ ߞ ___________________________ ᇺሑᇆ ЫѰ٦ࠓഌ σ୪ ఓቘႬ ࣞ ӎ ࡱۄ ت ᅙٰঙࢍ ە ሴĩ ࠌሹ आd ߆૯ ߆૯ Ѯ ت Ⴚಯ ሢසߨ ӎ ࡱۄ ሀ ෝനਁᅙd ٵ ᄡ ӎ ࡱۄ ൪ आ ت ܑߨ आ ĥົ VIDEO आ Ħ ĩ ೊᅿ HDMI ൮ ྑာᆖ 480i 576i ࡩ 480p 576p శ ە ұ ĩ Ⴝለ శෝսd ൔႬ HDMI ࢨൌ ར Ѯ HDMI ت ਏଢᄗ ޅ ᇒd ത ᄗ ޅ ᇒĩ ೊᄊ HDMI ت ਏफ ݙ d ᅿᅿႌে ൪С ĩ ࠌС q731r ĥ ን Ħ ĩ ࢉসࡍܑࠤ ྣභd ࡩᇢ ע 10 ሴࠌናِ ࡍܑd ത ົ HDMI ت ਏְࣞӎ ࡱۄ आሢ༥ී ӎ ۄ ඃ ĩ ᆗস ཏ ڧ ෝսოశߦ శ ߞd ܿ Ѱ٦ ౦൮ Ѯ ޝ ௯ሱѩ߅...

Page 25: ...ᅽd Ѯ ӎ ࡱۄ ለ ޝܠ ௯d ೊӷᅩ q ݎޡ r d Ѯְӎ ࡱۄ ለ DVD ࡩ BD ᄹ d ٵ ᄡ DVD RW ࡩ DVD Rĩ ჭ Ѯ ޝ ௯Ⴚऔ ى d ୃѰ٦ DivX ൮ ໗ࡵ ಖА DivX ൮ ໗ࡵൢຟᆠ ಖА൮ ໗ࡵঘᅞ ᆢಖ ဵ USB խԩഥХѰ٦ DivX DRM А ໗ࡵĶ ౬ ݚ HDMI ࢀՒѰ٦ࠓ ࢨᇄ ൮ ୃᆢಖཅ DivX ሷଢ ಖАሷଢ໗ࡵე DivX ൮ ໗ࡵ ಖАሷଢ໗ࡵऒႹЫѰ٦ࠓᆪӿ ঘᅞ IJ srt sub txt ssa ࠋ smiij ى ಀၜ ࢨ USB խԩഥХ ୁ ಖА USB խԩഥХ ۰ ეЫѰ٦ࠓ ಖАЫѰ٦ࠓᆪӿ USB խԩഥХഌ ໗ࡵ༦ ؗ Ⴣѐཾ ႛ Ķ ग़ୃྷဵທࢨ ൮ഌཅ iNo entryjIJ ൿೊijࠋixjሷဦ ྟ ى Ҥቘ EasyLink ୃ ఓቘႬ Ѯ ӎ ࡱۄ आ Philips స௩ Eas...

Page 26: ...ݙ ඃሤr qܼࢋာ ĥBD Live П೨ခc ೄք և Ħ r Ħ d ອ ૄႹᅷ ཐອ ࠋൂᆋ Ѯཏྮ Ӥ ӑસc DECT ාࡱࡩ ܚ य ๒ Wi Fi ඃ ܦ ംd ത ཏྮ ཏ ڧ ሀ ݟ ĩ ೊԩ ᄗྮ Пቯ ĥೊӷᅩ qඃሤ r Ħ d ᛖয ቘߓન ᄗ ޓ ߞራ੪ ட ڵ c ෝะ ߦ ๓მฯ ཱĩ ೊԒᅩཏྮીᄐ ᄊࠞාԊd ிပ႓සᄊᄡીᄐ ܼะࠜ आd 3D ൮ ॅ 3D ྲྀ ݘ ѮႺ ח ঙ 3D ෝս ĥೊӷᅩ q ᄊி ਃ ޝޝ ௯ DVD ӎ ࡱۄ r qӎ ۄ ਃ ޝ 3D శr Ħ d Ѯ ಏӎ ۄ ޝ ௯ҵທࢻചᄡਃ ޝ 3Dd Ѯ ت ࢻചᄡ 3D ߦ HDMIĩ Ӌಱ ت ඃሤ 3D ୨බ ĥೊӷᅩ ت ᄊࠞාԊĦ d Ѯ 3D ၦॆ ِ ĥೊӷᅩ ت ᄊࠞාԊĦ d ...

Page 27: ...ĩ ჭٰঙ ԣస ت ᅙd ٰঙ ت ᅙྮඪĩ ჭඵሶཆበԎ ĩ ڙ Ӥ ت ਏd ྒྷ ࠋఓࠉī ᅿࣞ ԣస आ ت ᅙԎኸ൪ሏಏĩ ೊ Ѯ ت ᅙ ت ၄ᄲԣసѾ ࡩ ؚ Өშ ت ၄ሖྯద ఇd ത ت ၄Ӥ ĩ ಯཡࣞԣస आ ت ᅙԎኸ൪d ྒྷ ഈࠋ෩ߎЫӅ ī ܠ ඃ ח ঙඪĩ ᅿস ࢅӤস ࡹ ޝ ۷ൿd ҧ ሒ ࡹ ޝ d ಯཡ ޝ ௯ӿட ޝ ௯ ॆဲޝ d ಯཡࣞ ԣసࡩഋߧའບ ۄ ᅿ ت ᅙྮࡩ ๓ ت ኒඃ ൪ d ത ᅿؐᄡ 5 C ٩ྑᅰฤ ԣసĩ ೊྗԙঙԣస ѩቯӋ ע ٩ ה ĩ ᅾࣞ आሢ ت ᅙԎኸd ྒྷ ݚ ಧī ಯཡࣞ ԣసПቯᅿۡҠ ৄࢹடd རңᅿԣసሽ ટսሢ 4 ჩ ৄࢹႽҮົ ۦ d Ѯ ੜࡩ ๓འບӤࡘᇝ ԣస൪ ົ ۦ Ԅd ྒྷ ಝī ೊཡࡣߨ ᄊ ت ĥग़ ت ᄲ ت ࡩ ت ᄲࣃခ ت ĩ Ħ d ത ت ت ੪ߝलࡩႌে ԫඪ...

Page 28: ... ൪෯ഋߧӤසd Ӥࣛგ 6 แႽྑ ښ ໂ ޖ ণ 3Dĩ მ ๒ମ আ ໆ൫༥ ڡ ᅄࣔ೨d ν Ӆ ಯཡࣞ ޝ ௯Ⴝ ഋߧའບԎന ޝ ௯ӿሱd ಯཡࣞү ࡩే ޝ ௯Ԏന ޝ ௯ӿሱd ത ԫඪࢹӤ ᄊ ԣసĩ ೊࣞ ޝ ௯ָ ޝ ௯ӿሱೞսd ሜ ᄊ ྚ ೄओӥೄओ ԣసd ν ߐࣦ ԣసӲᄊসࡏ ੈᄊ ܼခ ӭ ߦከ ሧᆑ ڙ Րd ಯཡࣞ ԣసᄲ ๓ඕࡥ Ⴄ dೊና क ޓ ᄡ ە ਭ ࢄ ت ኒc ت ԣసࢅ ت ىޡ dሀ ሤᇥ ԣసᄗቛᄡҧ ߦॄ ٵ ഈບࣔতᆑՐಐᅿ ܗ ჷྻd ԣస๐߅ ت Ӥ ᄲႤѐ ඕࡥ Ⴄ ሤd ೊና क ޓ ᄡ ە ਭ ࢄ ت ىޡ dሀ ሤ ت ᄗቛᄡҧ ߦॄ ٵ ഈਭࣔতᆑՐ ಐᅿ ܗ ჷྻd ޓ ᄡி๐ᅿ ࡏ ሱ ځݙ ཱĩೊ ۂ www recycle philips comd ϵಇ ൧సӲᄊѓ Ѯࠛ ෮ĩ ଧ ቧੈߦ Rovi Co...

Page 29: ... ८ RealNetworks EULA ສঢ়ĩ ክሶᄊࠞሜ ࣞ പ ᄊᄡ ݓ ഈc ۆ ൧ d ክሶᄊࠞӤ ဋ ܡ c ڬ ეc ݟ Փc ڳ ҫეࡩ ە कĩ ࡩӲᄊ ๒ ڼ බ ྥڡ ᅙ ן ĩ ႛӤ ܑ ሧ Real ݎ බ ࠞ ן ݡ ĩ ք ۆ ᄗසᄊ ڧ मሚᇥ ྭሧd RealNetworks Inc ඔ ĩ ๐ᄗ ๒ භࡩТභ Ѯህĩ ѩ Ӥྭᄡഋߧᄗ ޓ ස ခႽࢅຍ ෛᄊ໑සᄊခ ТභѮህࡩສ ĩ ঊӤ ן ປ გሱ ىޡ ๐ᄗѮህߦສ ĸ ٵ ᄡഋߧࢹ आc ຍෛc ࡩࢡ ڡ ခ ĩ ѩ Ӥྭᄡੈര චĩ RealNetworks Inc ܢ Ӥ ܗ ᆕd ഉї qBlu rayr c qBlu ray Discr c qBlu ray Discr ࡌҵc qBlu ray 3Dr ߦ qBlu ray 3Dr ࡌҵව Blu ray Disc Associatio...

Page 30: ... శႽࢅࣞ ቩ Ր DivX శ ݎ බ പ ݟ ཱĩ ೊ ۂ divx comd ޓ ᄡ DIVX ာ శķ ᇥঢ় DivX Certified ඃ ңဘቡԊĩ Ӯ ӎ ېܓۄ DivX శ ئ ӎ VOD ჷభd ႓ࡨ ቡԊ ĩ ೊᅿඃ ඃሤӴ ר ሱᇕ DivX VOD Ө ە d ᄗ ޓ തߧ ՐቡԊ ݙ ځ ཱĩ ೊቩ vod divx comd DivX c DivX Certified c DivX Plus HD ࢅྯ ࡌޓ ҵව DivX Inc ቡԊ൧ҵĩ Ӌᅿී ྑ ᄊd ົ DivX Certified ഌህĩ সႽӎ ۄ DivX ߦ DivX Plus HD H 264 MKV శĩ ክܼ ە ұ স ה 1080p ܼೄĩ ѩ ېܓ டചd BONUSVIEW qBD LIVEr ߦ qBONUSVIEWr වਃ ޝޝ ௯ ࡘ ൧ҵd qDVD Videor ව D...

Page 31: substances or elements contained in electronic information products will not leak or mutate so that the use of these substances or elements will not result in any severe environmental pollution any bodily injury or damage to any assets This logo refers to the period 5 years during which the toxic or hazardous substances or elements contained in the battery will not leak or mutate so that the us...

Page 32: 7585 Lao 7679 Latina 7665 Latvian 7686 Letzeburgesch 7666 Limburgan Limburger 7673 Lingala 7678 Lithuanian 7684 Luxembourgish 7666 Macedonian 7775 Malagasy 7771 Magyar 7285 Malayalam 7776 Maltese 7784 Manx 7186 Maori 7773 Marathi 7782 Marshallese 7772 Moldavian 7779 Mongolian 7778 Nauru 7865 Navaho Navajo 7886 Ndebele North 7868 Ndebele South 7882 Ndonga 7871 Nederlands 7876 Nepali 7869 Norsk...

Page 33: ...tware Foundation but the instance of code that it refers to the linux kernel is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it Also note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as the kernel is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license ie v2 not v2 2 or v3 x or whatever unless explicitly otherwise stated Linus Torvalds GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 June 1991 Copyright ...

Page 34: ...ram is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program independent of having been made by running the Program Whether that is true depends on what the Program does 1 You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program s source code as you receive it in any medium provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and di...

Page 35: modify sublicense or distribute the Program is void and will automatically terminate your rights under this License However parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance 5 You are not required to accept this License since you have not signed it However nothing else grants you permi...


Page 37: ... number 2 1 Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it By contrast the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software to make sure the software is free for all its users This license the Lesser General Public License applies to some specially designated software packages typically libra...

Page 38: ... GNU operating system as well as its variant the GNU Linux operating system Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users freedom it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of the Library The precise terms and conditions for copying distribution and modificat...

Page 39: ... the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library In addition mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library or with a work based on the Library on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License 3 You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this Li...

Page 40: ...ry functions into the executable and 2 will operate properly with a modified version of the library if the user installs one as long as the modified version is interface compatible with the version that the work was made with c Accompany the work with a written offer valid for at least three years to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a above for a charge no more than the co...

Page 41: ...licensee cannot impose that choice This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License 12 If the distribution and or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution l...

Page 42: ...ton MA 02111 1307 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail You should also get your employer if you work as a programmer or your school if any to sign a copyright disclaimer for the library if necessary Here is a sample alter the names Yoyodyne Inc hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library Frob a library for tweaking knobs written by James Random Hac...

Page 43: ... to the Terms and Conditions herein Further specifications of rights and restrictions pertaining to the use of the particular set of data files known as the Unicode Character Database can be found in Exhibit 1 Each version of the Unicode Standard has further specifications of rights and restrictions of use For the book editions these are found on the back of the title page For the online edition c...

Page 44: ...ation herein except for those based on Unicode s net income Severability If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties EXHIBIT 1 UNICODE INC LICENSE AGREEMENT DATA FILES AND SOFTWARE Unicode Data Files include all data file...

Page 45: ...s related to OpenSSL please contact openssl core openssl org OpenSSL License Copyright c 1998 2008 The OpenSSL Project All rights reserved Redistribution and use in source and binary forms with or without modification are permitted provided that the following conditions are met 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclai...

Page 46: ...vered by the same copyright terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson tjh cryptsoft com Copyright remains Eric Young s and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed If this package is used in a product Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the library used This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation onlin...

Page 47: wrote the original software If you use this software in a product an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required 2 Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original software 3 This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution Jean loup Gailly jloup gzip org Mark Adler madler ...

Page 48: ...and or sell copies of the Software and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so provided that the above copyright notice s and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice s and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING...

Page 49: ...der the following license The Inner Net License Version 2 00 The author s grant permission for redistribution and use in source and binary forms with or without modification of the software and documentation provided that the following conditions are met 0 If you receive a version of the software that is specifically labelled as not being for redistribution check the version message and or README ...

Page 50: ...l faults and the entire risk of satisfactory quality performance accuracy and effort is with the user libpng versions 0 97 January 1998 through 1 0 6 March 20 2000 are Copyright c 1998 1999 Glenn Randers Pehrson and are distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng 0 96 with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors Tom Lane Glenn Randers Pehrson Will...

Page 51: ...o the public domain and originals of those signed affidavits are stored in a firesafe at the main offices of HYPERLINK http www hwaci com Hwaci Anyone is free to copy modify publish use compile sell or distribute the original SQLite code either in source code form or as a compiled binary for any purpose commercial or non commercial and by any means The previous paragraph applies to the deliverable...

Page 52: ...ONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE 21 JSON parser Copyright c 2005 JSON org Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files the Software to deal in the Software without restriction including without limitation the rights to use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense and or ...

Page 53: ...和权 益 包括软件中所包含的一切专利 版权 商业机密和其他知识产权 软件受版权法 国际条约条款及其他知 识产权法律的保护 因此 除本协议明确规定之外 未经飞利浦事先书面授权 不得复制软件 但制作一 1 份拷贝仅供备份之用除外 也不得复制软件附随的任何印刷材料 对于以电子方式提供的任何用户文档 打 印也不得超过一 1 份 但制作上述打印材料一 1 份副本仅供备份之用除外 3 许可限制 除本协议另有规定外 不得租用 出租 转授许可 出售 转让 出借或以其他方式转让软件 不得和 不得允许任何第三方对软件进行反向工程 反编译或反汇编 但有关法律明确禁止前述限制的情况除外 不得 消除或销毁软件上的任何产品标识 版权通知或其他专有标志或限制 应在软件备份上复制所有权属 商标及版 权和有限权限通知 不得修改或改编软件 不得将软件合并到其他程序中 或在软件的基础上生成衍生产品 4 免责声明 本软件旨在协助...

Page 54: ...10 软件有限担保 飞利浦 按现状 提供软件 而且 除软件将完全根据其所附文档在你首次下载 安装或使用 软件之日 以先发生的时间为准 起一年期间内运行之外 没有任何其他保证 如果违反本保证 飞利浦的全 部责任和你的唯一补救应为 由飞利浦选择 i 退还你为软件支付的费用 如有 或 ii 修理或更换不符 合本协议中所述保证且连同你的收据副本一起退还飞利浦的软件 如果由于任何意外 违反操作规程 误用 或错误的应用程序造成软件故障 本有限担保无效 对更换软件的担保期应为原担保期的剩余期限或三十 30 天 以较长的时间为准 如果只是鉴于评估而免费向你提供的软件 则本有限担保不适用 11 免责条款 除上述担保之外 飞利浦及其许可人不保证软件的运行不会出现错误或中断 也不保证其符合你 的要求 对于选择软件来实现你的预期目标 软件的安装 使用以及由软件得到的结果 贵方应承担全部责 任 在有关法律允许的最大...

Page 55: ...国法律的管辖 不适用任何冲突法原则 你和飞利浦之间关于本协议的一切纠 纷 均应受您居住国法院的非专属管辖 16 一般条款 本协议包含你与飞利浦之间的全部协议 并且取代你和飞利浦之间关于软件和用户文档问题的 先前所有陈述 承诺或其他通信或广告 如果认定本协议的任何部分无效 则本协议的其余部分仍应完全有 效 本协议不应损害作为消费者参与交易的任何一方当事人的法定权利 EULA Simplified Chinese April 2010 ...

Page 56: ... 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N V All rights reserved BDP5200K_93_UM_V3 0_1116 ...
