Feature settings
[Multi RC]
Enter the MultiRC Menu Feature to configure the remote control to work with one TV.
To enter the MultiRC Menu:
• Press the key sequence: MENU, RETURN, 1,2,3,4
On the TV a menu will guide you to select the desired TV.
Choose a number to assign to the remote control and press OK to confirm.
!!Note: Before disabling the Hotel TV for any reason, reset the multi RC to default. The reset procedure is explained
Enter the MultiRC Menu Feature to reset the MultiRC feature for the TV or for the remote control.
To enter the MultiRC Menu:
• Press key sequence: MENU, RETURN, 4,3,2,1
On the TV you will see a dialog, “Reset OK?” Press OK key to reset the system. After resetting, the system will return
to the factory default.
In case you have disabled the Hotel mode and the remote was configured for Multi RC and you cannot use the
remote please input the following code:
. Afterwards the remote will work OK.