105S Product Information
Product Information
Product Features
15-inch (14.0" VIS) color monitor with excellent front of screen performance for use with
MACs and PCs
Autoscan covers horizontal frequencies up to 60 kHz offering a maximum resolution of 1280
x 960 with flicker free display of 800 x 600 at up to 96 Hz
Flat square CRT with high-resolution 0.28 mm dot pitch (0.24 hdp).
Smallest footprint in its class requires minimum desk space: maximum depth is only 379
Multimedia Base and USB Hub option
TCO99, E2000, NUTEK, EPA, FCC, CE and ISO9241 certified
15-inch (14.0" VIS) color monitor with excellent front of screen performance for use with
MACs and PCs
Autoscan covers horizontal frequencies up to 60 kHz offering a maximum resolution of 1280
x 960 with flicker free display of 800 x 600 at up to 96 Hz
Flat square CRT with high-resolution 0.28 mm dot pitch (0.24 hdp).
Smallest footprint in its class requires minimum desk space: maximum depth is only 379
Multimedia Base and USB Hub option
MPR-II, NUTEK, EPA, FCC, CE and ISO9241 certified
105S15 (TCO99) / 105S16 (MPR II)
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