Installation in the vehicle
4.0 Installation in the vehicle
4.1 Tightening the harness
4.2 Installation of Group I with ISOFIX
and Top tether for children
who weigh 9-18kg
Please do not leave your child unattended in
the child safety seat in the vehicle.
First please check if there are 2 ISOFIX
anchorages in the perpendicular intersection
of the vehicle seat back and seat cushion,
and the user-ready tether anchorage behind
the vehicle seat.
Tip: The user-ready tether anchorage usually
permanently installed on the inner rear
luggage shelf or on the vehicle floor. Details
you could read your vehicle guidelines or
contact the vehicle manufacturer.
For the protection of all vehicle occupants
• Press the ISOFIX release button and push the
ISOFIX connectors forward as far as possible. (4a)
In the case of an emergency stop or an accident
unsecured persons or objects may cause injury to other
vehicle occupants. Please always check that...
• The backrests of the vehicle seats are locked (i.e.that
a foldable rear seat bench latch is engaged).
• All heavy or sharp-edged objects in the vehicle(e.g.
on the parcel shelf) are secured.
• All persons in the vehicle have their seat belts
• The child safety seat is always secured when it is in
the vehicle, even if no child is being transported.
To protect your vehicle:
Some vehicle seat covers of sensitive materials(e.g.
velour, leather, etc.) may develop wear marks when
child seats are
used. This can be avoided by placing
a blanket or towel under the child seat.