S e i t e
15 | 34
Using Smart Scale S7
To get the most accurate measurements you always weigh yourself without clothes and
barefoot. Make sure that the back of your feet are centered on the weighting platform. It does
not matter if your feet are too big and overhang the edge. You still will get accurate readings.
You should do the measurements always at the same time of day if possible. This is the best
way to monitor your progress and compare your weight and other values over a longer period
of time under the same conditions.
Start measurements
Place the scale on a firm, flat surface. Hold the hand electrodes in both hands and step
barefoot on the scale.
Make sure your fingers / hands touch the 4 electrodes and your feet are in good contact
with the 4 electrodes on the scale.
Do not move during the measurements.
After the numbers on the screen flash tree times, the symbol is displayed.
When symbol
disappears, the body weight will be shown.
Now you can receive / retrieve your measurement results on the PHICOMM Health App.