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Adjust the objective focus wheel (image #1) to get the
sharpest image
The Automatic fine-tuning control, that is operated by the
viewer, will adjust according to the average brightness of
the central focal point.
Digital zoom is implemented by pressing the “+” (Up but-
ton #12) and “-“ (Down button #15) ranging from 1X to 8X.
If the light source is bright enough, turn the auxiliary light
off to save the battery power.
If the light source is not bright enough, turn the auxiliary
light on and adjust the brightness accordingly.
Brightness Adjustment
Brightness Adjustment
While in photo/view mode, press the light switch (button
#11) to activate the brightness adjustment menu (as in
Picture 2), the number after “SCREEN:” is the current
brightness of the screen. The brightness ranges from
1 to 10 by pressing the “+ “ (Up button #12) for a light-
er screen and the ” -“ (Down button #15) for a darker
screen. Once appropriate brightness is achieved, the
screen brightness adjustment mode will automatically shut
off after 3 seconds.
Adjustment for Illumination
While in the photo/view or video mode, press the light
switch (button #11) twice to enter the auxiliary light adjust-
ment menu (as in Picture 3). The index after the ”IR LED”
displays the brightness of the auxiliary light. In normal
conditions you can get a good view at range 2.