H 25 Getting Started
Power management
The CCD on the H 25 constantly needs to be cleared from
previous data before an exposure. This requires some
power consumption. Situations can occur where this is not
convenient (i.e. in connection with Phase One portable
systems where the batteries will get drained too rapidly).
On electronically controlled camera bodies the power
consumption can be drastically reduced by setting the Low
power or Ultra low power mode inside the Capture One
Application (Please read the section specific for your
camera body to learn if you are able to use these settings.).
Double exposure protection
It is not possible to accidentially double expose the image
by capturing one image quickly after another when the
H 25 is used on a Hasselblad 555 ELD. The electronic
communication with the Hasselblad body ensures that the
H 25 is ready before allowing release of the next shot. On
other camera bodies not using the electronically interface
from the H 25, the user has to wait for the ready beep
signal before releasing the next shot.
IR filter on the CCD
The IR filter (Phase One TG1 Infrared cut-off filter) is
permanently mounted on top of the CCD.
The filter may not be removed for several reasons:
The focusing of the H 25 camera back will be damaged.
It is only possible to remount the filter without dust in
between the filter and the CCD if you have access to
special clean room facilities.
The Phase One Product Warranty is terminated.