70Xi Cold Flow Properties Laboratory Analyzer
User Guide
Phase Technology recommends filtering and drying test samples so that they are bright and clear
in appearance and free of excessive moisture before testing. Refer to
APPENDIX A: How to Use
for more details on drying the sample.
Fill a 30mL vial with test sample. Make sure the vial is filled up all the way to the neck.
NOTE: The analyzer automatically determines the amount of current sample (up to 30 mL)
needed to rinse and clean the previous sample. Error messages such as “No sample flow” might
occur if insufficient sample is found. For best results, it is important to fill the vial to its neck.
Lift the probe of the Sample Injection Port Assembly by sliding up the arm.
Place the vial to the indentation at the base.
H o w t o P r e p a r e T e s t S a m p l e s