feel normal after some time but it can still
damage your hearing ability. In case you
experience ringing or muffled speech, do
not continue listening and have your hearing
checked. The higher the volume the sooner
your hearing may be affected. Hearing ex-
perts suggest that you protect your hearing.
It is better to use the headset only for a limi-
ted time at high volume. It is not suggested
to turn up the volume in noisy surroundings
to block out the noise. In case you cannot
hear people talking to you anymore, please
turn down the volume.
Please refer to earlier pages of this manual
on how to adjust the volume.
Headset Safety Information
In some areas it is illegal and generally it is
not recommended to use the headset for
listening to music while operating a vehicle.
You should be careful and attentive while
driving. Do not continue using the headset if
you find it distracts you while operating any
kind of vehicle or during any other activity
requiring your full attention.