0~1,000 km riding will be the critical period regarding scooter life span. The new engine can’t
afford too much loading during the first 1,000kms. Every part of the engine will be run-in to obtain the
correct clearance in this period. Be sure to avoid prolonging the throttling out totally or any operation
causing high temperature in the engine. Please read careful the following information.
1 .0~150 km
Avoid over 1/2 throttling operation. Cool down the engine 5~10 min/ hour. Do not cruise by
constant speed for riding.
2 .150~500 km
Avoid over 1/2 throttling operation for long riding.
3. 500~1,000 km
Avoid over 3/4 throttling operation.
Change gear & engine oil after 300 km.
4. OVER 1,000 KM
Avoid full throttling in a long riding.
Please contact your dealers if any problem takes place during above periods.