Status / Setpoint menu
(SEt, StAt, AL folders)
Status menu
In main view, press the set key to access
the Status / Setpoint menu.
First folder “SEt” appears (Use the UP and
DOWN keys to scroll the other folders until
you find the label required). folders are
(SEt, StAt, AL)
Press set key again to view parameters of
SEt menu, 1
parameter St1 will be showed
Press set key again to view the value of
selected parameter. To modify this value
Press the "up" and "down" keys. Press the
set key once you have entered the required
value.* Press the esc key to exit this display
and go back to the previous level.
N.B. pressing the set key will confirm the value entered;
Pressing the esc key will take you back to the previous
level without saving the value entered.