Water Cooled Chillers
1. Design Concept
Water Cooled
Chillers design concept is to release heat via a liquid media (typically water) rather than air of the atmosphere.
The advantage is a more stable operating condition of the refrigeration circuit due to a smaller temperature variation range of
the cooling media alond the year, indipendently from the Ambient Temperature.
1.1 Functional Diagram
Please Note:
it is of utmost importance to reduce
Limescale Phenomena
within Condensing Circuit, where Plate
Heat Exchanger and other sensitive equipment may be affected.
is the accumulation of unwanted material on solid surfaces to the detriment of function. The fouling material can consist
of either living organisms (bio-fouling) or a non-living substance (inorganic or organic).
The most fundamental and usually preferred method of controlling fouling is to prevent the ingress of the fouling species into the
cooling water circuit.
In industrial installations,
macro fouling
is avoided by way of pre-filtration and cooling water debris filters.
Minimum filtration level required: 90 µm
In the case of
micro fouling
, water purification is achieved with extensive methods of water treatment, micro-filtration, membrane
technology (reverse osmosis, electrodeionization) or ion-exchange resins. The generation of the corrosion products in the water
piping systems is often minimized by controlling the pH of the process fluid, control of oxygen dissolved in water, or addition of
corrosion inhibitors.
It is recommended to proceed with a chemical and phisical analysis of the Condensing Water intended to be used and design a
water tretment system accordingly.
Picture 25 – Functional Diagram