(954) 724-2900
Sew Fine Sew Creative
Smocking With Anne
Learn beautiful hand embroidery
stitches as well as heirloom construction
techniques on the project of your choice,
while mastering smocking. Classes are on-
going. Please call ahead to reserve your
spot and to order your beginner kit. $15, All
Tues.1-3 pm
Heirloom Neck Roll
An introduction to Heirloom Sewing. Con-
struct a beautiful petite neck roll while learn-
ing how to sew pintucks, puffing strip, Lace
to fabric, hemstitches with a wing needle.
$27 includes kit.
Mon. June 16, 10AM-1PM
Quilting Techniques
Learn 4 different designs of Free-motion quilting, includ-
ing stippling. Supply List
Thurs. 1PM-3PM
August 21
Use your all fabric hoop to create a beautiful nesting
flower appliquéd and quilted pillow top. BONUS You
will receive a CD of this exclusive embroidery design!!!
Thurs. 1PM-3PM
Fine Fabrics
Quilt Studio
“If quilting is your passion and em-
broidery is your love here is the perfect place to express
yourself – Quilt Studio by PFAFF® - where machine embroi-
dery is the perfect embellishment to your beautiful quilt.” A
new project designed by Jenifer Lokey will be constructed
each month
Friday 10AM-1PM: June 27, July 25, Aug. 29, or Sept 26