Decorative stitches can vary on different fabric types –
heavy fabric is fed differently than
ne silk. The balance adjusts
the reverse feed of the stitch so it is sewn in the best way for
different fabrics.
After having selected a stitch, you will see the balance symbol
with a "0" after it in the bottom right-hand corner of the
window. This symbol indicates that the balance can be altered
on this stitch.
The standard balance setting is "0".
With -/+ button C you can change the reverse feed of the
machine from -9 to (+)9.
In the minus range the stitches are sewn shorter, and thus the
overall length will be sewn shorter.
In the plus range the stitches are sewn longer or stretched out.
Reverse sewing
If you press this button while sewing, the machine sews in
reverse for as long as you keep the button pressed.
If you press the reverse button while the machine is stopped,
the machine sews in reverse until you press the button again.
When sewing a buttonhole, the reverse button is used for
stepping between different sections of the buttonhole.
“Pattern mirror” button (30)
This symbol will appear in the window for any stitch that
can be mirrored. When the “pattern mirror” button has been
pressed, a point will appear below the symbol indicating the
pattern will be mirrored.