Sewing techniques
Reinforced straight stitch
Reinforced straight stitch 07
The reinforced or triple straight stitch is a very durable
and elastic stitch. It can be used for seaming heavy
fabrics, including stretch fabrics. Use it instead of the
regular straight stitch in areas where there will be
additional stress on the fabric.
The forward, backward, forward motion of the stitch
means that it will not pull out easily and has the give
needed for stretch fabrics. The reinforced straight stitch
is also great for topstitching on heavier fabrics.
Carefully guide the fabric while sewing as the fabric
moves back and forth.
Three-step zigzag stitch
Three-step zigzag stitch 05
Three-step zigzag stitch is used to overcast raw edges.
Make sure the needle pierces the fabric on the left side
and overcasts the edge on the right side.
The stitch can also be used as an elastic stitch to allow
seams to stretch when sewing knit fabrics.