Petersen Products 128 Series
Water Inflation Controller
Inflating the Line Stop Plug with Water
Do not over inflate. The maximum rated pressure requires a fully inserted plug into a clean steel pipe.
For maximum safety remove as much air as possible.
Zero the Batch Counter on the Flow Totalizer.
Inflate the plug with water.
Open the valve at the Pressure Monitor Assembly to release any air.
Do not allow the pressure to drop below 5 psi from 5% of the line pressure.
To monitor the inflation pressure with a water hose that is filled with water:
Add 0.433 psi to the gauge readings for every foot that the gauge is above the invert of the pipe.
Do not exceed the maximum rated pressure.
Monitor the pressure when filling the Plug.
High pressure plugs can be topped off with air or nitrogen after they are filled with water.
Turn on the Low Pressure Alarm. If the pressure drops below the alarm setpoint then the alarm will sound.