Pessl Instruments iMETOS 3.3 User Manual Download Page 4

With the activation of licenses for site specific localized 

weather fore-


 and plant 

disease models

, it is possible to set these services for 

each of your iMETOS stations. To activate them please contact your lo-
cal distributor or 

[email protected]



Station settings

 page you can configure your iMETOS.

Station  settings  >  Configuration:

 Under Time zone and location, you 

need to provide the precise information, as weather forecast and other 
services require it for accuracy. Under Logging and transfer settings, you 

can define how your iMETOS station logs and sends data. Please note 

that the iMETOS station is delivered with the default factory settings 

(as in the figure below). More options are available by clicking the “Ad


vanced options” button.

Station settings > Sensors and nodes:

 You can define a custom name for 

your station and nodes connected to it. For convenient viewing of data, 
you can also rename each sensor and customize its color in the graph.

Station settings > Warnings:

 You can add phone numbers and set 

thresholds for each sensor, at which the warning SMS should be sent.

For further inquiries visit



The iMETOS station should be checked periodically to ensure that 
sensors are in optimal condition. Regular maintenance is necessary for 

flawless operation and durability.

At the beginning of the new season, check that the station is working 
correctly; data must be transmitted at the set interval to FieldClimate. 
Keep the solar panel and sensors clean and ensure correct rainfall 
measurements by making sure the rain gauge is levelled (check the 
bubble indicator), and not obstructed by leaves, insects or debris. Check 

if leaf wetness sensor has the appropriate filter paper intact and posi


tioned correctly (it should be replaced once, preferably twice a year).

When the solar panel of the iMETOS is exposed to the sun and gets 
enough sunlight it should constantly recharge the battery of the system. 

The lifespan of the battery is expected to be 5 to 6 years with sufficient 

recharging from the solar panel. Deep discharge shortens its lifetime. 


Once registered, you can login to ng.FieldCli- To add your iMETOS device, click on 
the icon in the top right corner 

User Menu > 

Add/Remove station

. It will ask you for a Station Serial number (SN) 

and a station key. This information is found on the silver sticker (in 

the figure) which came with your iMETOS station. Key 1 gives you full 

(admin) access and enables you to change all the settings and set up 
the iMETOS (e.g. data transfer interval, SMS warning, etc.); with Key 2 
the user is not allowed to change the station parameters, but you can 
access all the weather data.


The new 


 is designed with a widgeted structure, which al-

lows the user to customize access to the services of highest interest. On 
the top right corner, 

Station List

 allows the user to choose among all 

the iMETOS devices and select a single one.

On the left side, the 

Station data

 page displays the data measured by 

your iMETOS station. Data can be viewed in detailed graphs and tables. 

You can access the structured menu, which allows you to define time 

series-resolution and export data in image/table format.

In the 

Soil Moisture

 page you will find all your sensors connected to 

your iMETOS station displayed in graphs and tables. You can set lower 
and upper thresholds based on colored bands, which are visible on the 
graph indicating the range of acceptable soil moisture conditions.
