Wheelchair usage
This chapter aims to provide you with basic information to quickly get started
with your wheelchair, and also provide you with information you may need
in your everyday use of the wheelchair. The following subchapters describe
how to drive the wheelchair, how to use the most common seat functions,
how to charge the batteries, how to enter and exit freewheel mode, and some
helpful information if you want to transport your wheelchair. They also
describe the main circuit breaker, wheelchair storage, and manual
Driving the wheelchair
You must always drive your wheelchair carefully and defensively. Your
wheelchair is a complex medical device, not an automobile. Due to the
individualized nature of Permobil products, your wheelchair is equipped with
one of numerous different ways to drive it. The most common way is
described below, but your wheelchair may not conform to this process
depending on its individualization.
To drive your wheelchair, you must first turn on the power. The power
button or switch is most commonly located on the wheelchair’s control
panel, which is usually attached to the armrest. Most Permobil wheelchairs
also include a joystick on the control panel. Use this joystick to turn the
wheelchair and to drive forward and rearward. Simply press the joystick in the
direction you want to go
. The further you press the joystick, the faster the
wheelchair will move. Release the joystick to stop moving.