Product Identification
Plate Locations and Film
Serial Number Plate
Illustration 28
The engine serial plate (1) is on the left side of the
engine to the rear of the engine cylinder block.
Perkins distributors need all the numbers on the plate
to determine the components that were included with
the engine. This information permits accurate
identification of replacement part numbers.
Perkins Plate
Illustration 29
Typical example
Reference Numbers
Information for the following items may be needed to
order parts. Locate the information for your engine.
Record the information on the appropriate space.
Make a copy of this list for a record. Retain the
information for future reference.
Record for Reference
Engine Model
Engine Serial No.
Engine Arrangement No.
Modification No.
Engine Low Idle rpm
Engine Full Load rpm
Performance Specification No.
Primary Fuel Filter No.
Water Separator Element No.
Secondary Fuel Filter Element No.
Lubrication Oil Filter Element No.
Auxiliary Oil Filter Element No.
Supplemental Coolant Additive Maintenance
Element No. (Optional)
Total Lubrication System Capacity
Total Cooling System Capacity
Air Cleaner Element No.
Fan Drive Belt No.
Alternator Belt No.