Five dash lamps can be affected by the DPF
regeneration. Also, the horn can be used in order to
alter the operator.
High Exhaust System Temperature
Lamp (HEST) – The lamp is illuminated
when the ARD is activated and the
exhaust temperature is greater than 450 °C
(842 °F).
DPF Lamp – This lamp provides a
general indication of the soot load. The
lamp is off when the soot load is normal.
The lamp will operate at level 2.
In some situations, the DPF lamp may stay
illuminated when the soot load is below 90%. The
illuminated DPF lamp indicates that a complete
regeneration has
been performed. A complete
regeneration is when the soot level is reduced to 0%.
If the DPF lamp stays illuminated, perform a
regeneration without interruption until the soot level is
reduced to 0%. A complete regeneration will reset
the DPF lamp.
Amber or yellow Warning Lamp – This
lamp indicates that the soot load has
increased. Regeneration is required.
This lamp will be illuminated at level 3 soot load
and the lamp will flash if regeneration is not
activated. Also, the DPF lamp will be illuminated.
Amber or yellow Warning Lamp can be use as
a diagnostic lamp. For more information refer to this
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Diagnostic
Red Stop Lamp – This lamp indicates
that the soot load is extremely high. The
soot load is at level 3. The engine will
derate and may shut down. Also, the DPF lamp
will be illuminated.
DPF Disable Lamp – This lamp is
illuminated whenever the ARD disable
switch is activated or the system has
been disabled by the engine ECM.
Modes of Regeneration
• Low speed automatic
• Enhanced automatic regeneration
• Forced regeneration
Low speed automatic regeneration and enhanced
automatic regeneration are controlled by the engine
ECM. During this regeneration the operator will see
the high exhaust system temperature lamp (HEST)
Low speed automatic
– Low speed automatic
regeneration allows for the DPF regeneration to start
automatically with the engine speed in a low idle
condition or near low idle condition. In order for a low
speed automatic regeneration to occur, the following
conditions must be met:
• Soot level must be between level 1 and level 3 on
the soot level monitor (if equipped).
• Engine speed must be below 1400 rpm.
• The interlocks for the application will raise the
RPM to the required engine speed in order for the
regeneration to occur. The engine RPM will be
from 1000 to 1400 RPM.
• Refer to the OEM for the applications interlocks
required to be engaged before regeneration can
take place.
Enhanced automatic regeneration
– This mode of
DPF regeneration allows for regeneration to take
place at higher engine rpm and higher engine loads.
In order for enhanced automatic regenerations to
occur, the following conditions must be met:
• Soot level must be between level 2 and level 3 on
the soot level monitor (if equipped).
• Engine speed must be greater than 1400 rpm.
• Minimum engine idle speed input must be set.
Setting the input will not allow engine speed to fall
below 1000 rpm during enhanced automatic
regeneration. If minimum low idle speed input is
not available, regeneration will stop if engine
speed drops below 1000 rpm.
• Refer to the OEM for the applications interlocks
required to be engaged before regeneration can
take place.
Forced regeneration
– A forced regeneration is
initiated by pressing the regeneration switch. A
forced regeneration is allowed during normal
operation up to level 3. A forced regeneration can be
performed in the low speed automatic window or the
enhanced automatic regeneration window.
Regeneration Switch
The MIDDLE position of the regeneration
switch is the default position for automatic modes of