Illustration 6
Typical example
The hand high-pressure warning label is a rap
around label installed on the main injection line, refer
to illustration 6 .
Illustration 7
Attach a
Do Not Operate
warning tag or a similar
warning tag to the start switch or to the controls
before the engine is serviced or before the engine is
repaired. Attach the warning tags to the engine and
to each operator control station. When appropriate,
disconnect the starting controls.
Do not allow unauthorized personnel on the engine,
or around the engine when the engine is being
• Tampering with the engine installation or
tampering with the OEM supplied wiring can be
dangerous. Personal injury, death and/or engine
damage could result.
• Vent the engine exhaust to the outside when the
engine is operated in an enclosed area.
• If the engine is not running, do not release the
secondary brake or the parking brake systems
unless the vehicle is blocked or unless the vehicle
is restrained.
• Wear a hard hat, protective glasses, and other
protective equipment, as required.
• When work is performed around an engine that is
operating, wear protective devices for ears to help
prevent damage to hearing.
• Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can
snag on controls or on other parts of the engine.
• Ensure that all protective guards and all covers
are secured in place on the engine.
• Never put maintenance fluids into glass
containers. Glass containers can break.
• Use all cleaning solutions with care.
• Report all necessary repairs.
Unless other instructions are provided, perform the
maintenance under the following conditions:
• The engine is stopped. Ensure that the engine
cannot be started.