Vibration Damper
Illustration 16
Typical example
(1) Damper setscrews
(2) Vibration damper
(3) Setscrews for the adapter
(4) Crankshaft adapter and pulley
The force from combustion in the cylinders will cause
the crankshaft to twist. This is called torsional
vibration. If the vibration is too great, the crankshaft
will be damaged. The vibration damper is filled with
viscous fluid in order to limit the torsional vibration.
Gears and Timing Gear Case
Illustration 17
Typical example
The crankshaft oil seal is mounted in the aluminum
timing case. The timing case cover is made from
pressed steel.
The timing gears are made of steel.
The crankshaft gear drives an upper idler gear and a
lower idler gear. The upper idler gear drives the
camshaft and the fuel injection pump. The lower idler
gear drives the oil pump. The water pump drive gear
is driven by the fuel injection pump gear.
The camshaft and the fuel injection pump rotate at
half the engine speed.
The engine has a single camshaft. The camshaft is
made of cast iron. The camshaft lobes are chill
The camshaft is driven at the front end. As the
camshaft turns, the camshaft lobes move the valve
system components. The valve system components
move the cylinder valves.
The camshaft gear must be timed to the crankshaft
gear. The relationship between the lobes and the
camshaft gear causes the valves in each cylinder to
open at the correct time. The relationship between
the lobes and the camshaft gear also causes the
valves in each cylinder to close at the correct time.
Electrical System
The electrical system is a negative ground system.
The charging circuit operates when the engine is
running. The alternator in the charging circuit
produces direct current for the electrical system.
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