4) Set the signal generator to 1 kHz, 10 V pk-pk, and connect it via the 1 M
module to the IINPUT BNC connector. Use the oscilloscope to monitor the signal
generator amplitude settings so as to obtain consistency between input settings and
output readings.
5) Monitor the output; the output level should be 1 V pk-pk.
6) Set the signal generator to 1 kHz, 1 V pk-pk. Then set the 5182 AC sensitivity to
A/V and monitor the output; the output level should be 1 V pk-pk.
7) Set the signal generator to 1 kHz, 100 mV pk-pk. Then set the 5182 AC sensitivity
to 10
A/V and monitor the output; the output level should be 1 V pk-pk.
8) Apply a 5 V DC offset to signal generator output signal and monitor the
DC OUTPUT BNC connector with the oscilloscope; the output level should be
5 V DC.
9) Remove the DC offset from the signal generator output and reconnect the
oscilloscope to the AC OUTPUT BNC connector.
10) Set the signal generator to 1 kHz, 10 mV pk-pk. Then set the 5182 AC sensitivity
to 10
A/V and monitor the output; the output level should be 1 V pk-pk.
11) Set the signal generator to 1 kHz, 10 mV pk-pk. Then set the 5182 AC sensitivity
to 10
A/V LOW NOISE and monitor the output; the output level should be 1 V
12) Return the power switch to the center (OFF) position.
This completes the initial checks. If the instrument performed as indicated, one can be
reasonably sure that it has arrived in good working order and is functioning properly.