V. 01
©Velleman nv
Dry Vacuum Cleaning
Ensure to correctly fit the HEPA filter and/or dust bag/cloth filter before use. Also, install
the sponge filter.
Switch on the appliance and vacuum.
Empty the tank and clean/replace the dust bag once the dust bag is full. Also, clean the
cloth filter accordingly.
Wet Vacuum Cleaning
Ensure to fit the sponge filter correctly. The HEPA filter, dust bag and cloth filter should not
be used and therefore removed.
Switch on the appliance and vacuum.
Clean the tank after each use. Avoid leaving dust or dirty water inside the tank. Regularly
wipe the appliance inside out using only lukewarm water. Also, clean the used accessories.
I-0-II Switch (WDC1230 only)
To use the appliance as a regular vacuum cleaner, switch the appliance to position I.
To use the appliance with an extra electrical appliance, make sure the both appliances are
switched off. Connect the extra appliance to the vacuum cleaner and flick the switch to the
II position. The vacuum cleaner will start when the connected appliance starts.
Floor Brush
The floor brush is ideal for cleaning carpets and hard floors.
Wiper Brush
This brush is ideal for wet cleaning applications.
Round Brush
Use this brush for cleaning furniture, curtains and upholstery.
Variable Suction Control
Slide the regulator on the handle to adjust the suction power. Just make sure it is closed for
liquid pick-up.