Pequod Acoustics Srl.
Via del Madonnone 25, Florence, Italy
[email protected]
7: Warranty
Pequod Acoustics offers a guarantee to the origi
nal owner (person or company who purchased the
product brand new) of each new Pequod product
(provided it was purchased directly from Pequod or
through a Pequod Acoustics Authorised Dealer/ Di
stributor) that it is free of defects in materials and
workmanship and that each product was tested in
the factory to meet or exceed all specifications de
clared. Each model has a test file recorded in our
database, related to its serial number.
The period of limited warranty is three (3) years from
the date of delivery to the original purchaser (as
shown on the original invoice or sales receipt; a copy
may be required as proof of warranty dates)
Pequod Acoustics will repair or replace (at its discre-
tion) all defective parts at no charge for labor or ma-
terials; subject to following provisions:
Pequod Acoustics shall take no responsibility for re-
pair or replacement under this warranty if:
a) The damaged product has been subject to misu-
se, accident, neglect or failure to comply with normal
maintenance procedures
b) There are improper alterations or unauthorized
parts or repairs.
c) The serial number has been altered, defaced or
removed and the original owner won’t be able to give
information related to our Anti-counterfeit authenti-
cation system (see below, section 8)
Pequod Acoustics will remedy any defect, regardless
of the reason for failure (except as excluded above)
by repair or replacement. Pequod Acoustics will ship
the product within a reasonable time after receipt of
the defective product at a Pequod Acoustics Autho-
rised Service Centre.
How to obtain service under warranty:
If a Pequod Acoustics product requires service, the
original owner must contact the Pequod Acoustics
dealer who supplied the product, to receive our Re-
turn Authorisation Code (RA code), and instructions
on how to return the product to the Pequod Authori-
sed Service Centre, or to Pequod Acoustics.
The original owner must give information about:
- Problems with the product
- Serial number
- Original invoice or sales receipt
- Anti-counterfeit system (see section 8)
After receiving the RA code the owner can pack the
unit in the original factory packaging if possible. Ple-
ase include a note describing the problem packed
together with the product. Do not send it separately.
All products being returned to the factory or service
center for repairs must be shipped prepaid. Ensure
safe transportation of your unit to the authorized ser-
vice center
Pequod Acoustics (or an Authorised Service Centre)
will initiate corrective repairs upon receipt of the re-
turned product, in order to complete the repairs and
ship back the product within a reasonable amount
of time.
If the repairs made by Pequod or a Pequod Authori-
sed Service Centre are not satisfactory to the owner,
they are instructed to give written notice to Pequod.
The original owner is not entitled to recover from
Pequod any incidental damages resulting from any
defect in the Pequod product. This includes any da-
mage to another product or products resulting from
such a defect.
The warranty is not extended by the length of time
which the owner is not engaged in active use of the
product. Repairs and replacement parts provided
pursuant to the warranty will be covered only by the
non-expired portion of the warranty.