Pequod Acoustics Srl.
Via del Madonnone 25, Florence, Italy
[email protected]
4 Installation and system design
For private or enclosed areas as first choice, or as entry level DJ monitor and eventually matched
to a subwoofer (our reference as DJ monitor is Pequod Kona Storm System). Or as a Satellite with
subwoofer for small dance floor or for a small audience of a live event. Also used as a filler for me
dium-high frequencies in areas that require such sound reinforcement.
For on stage installation as an entry level DJ monitor, the reference heights and distances are vi-
sible in the diagram. The Ostros must be oriented towards the DJ’s head, with a minimum recom-
mended distance of 1.5 m. In height, the ideal central outgoing axis must be approximately 1.7 m
from the ground. Possible presence of the subwoofer.
1) Entry level DJ Monitor system
1.5 m
1.5 m
1.7 m