Programming Concepts
Figure 1 – Hello World Application
The text is displayed in a text box control with a scroll bar to the right as defined by the
OHV300 gui object.
The OHV300 gui Object
The OHV300 application development environment defines a standard GUI display for
application software (Figure 2). The display supports simple prompts and data entry.
Figure 2 – The Standard GUI Display
The standard display consists of a status bar, a display area, and labels for the left and
right software programmable keys (softkeys) at the top of the OHV300 key pad (see Figure
The scroll bar on the right side of the screen indicates the relative position within the
displayed object as the operator scrolls through forms, menus, or text using the up and
down keys on the keypad. This scrolling feature allows the application to display objects
larger than the display area.
Use the gui interface to develop forms and menus applications, and use the “show”
methods to display them.