US Headquarters
PeopleNet Canada
(888) 346-3486
4400 Baker Road
1100 Burloak Dr.
Suite 300
(952) 908-6129 Fax
Minnetonka, MN 55343-8684
Burlington, Ontario L7L 6B2
PerformX and eDriver Logs are registered trademarks of PeopleNet.
©2013 PeopleNet. All rights reserved. This information is subject to
change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 07/13
PeopleNet eDriver Logs meet federal regulations in the United
States by the Dept. of Transportation (49 C.F.R. § 395.15) and
in Canada below the 60th parallel and the following state
regulations: TX: Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 37,
Rule §4.12; CA: California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 13,
§§1201-1213; FL: Florida Statute 316.302 Hours of Service for
Intrastate Transportation; AK: Alaska Administrative Code
(AAC), Title 17, Chapter 25.
This guide is intended to complement PeopleNet’s eDriver
Logs training. No driver should attempt to rely solely on the
eDriver Logs guide without first completing training from
your company.
If the PerformX engine cable on your vehicle is not receiving
data, you will be prompted to use paper logs. You are required
to carry a paper log book in your vehicle at all times.
PeopleNet bears no responsibility for the driver’s failure to
comply with this requirement.
You are required to keep this guide in your vehicle at all
times. Provide this documentation to the auditor in the case
of a D.O.T. inspection.
Please sign below to acknowledge you have been trained on
how to use this program and understand these instructions.
eDriver Logs relies on accurate input of data and appropriate
use by the driver. PeopleNet assumes no liability for
erroneous, accidental, or intentional input of data or misuse
of the product.
The regulations announced by the FMCSA and the Canadian
government are subject to change. PeopleNet will endeavor
to automatically update the eDriver Logs device as soon as
practical. PeopleNet assumes no liability for reasonable
delays in providing system updates or upgrades.