Computer System
Mac Requirements - OS: Mac OS 10.2 or later, standard equipped USB port; PC
Requirements - OS: Windows 2000, XP Home edition / Professional, standard
equipped USB port
Smc PENTAX-DA 70mm F2.4 Limited FACT SHEET
Ultra-thin, super-lightweight design
Thanks to its newly developed, high-performance optics, this new medium-telephoto lens measures only 26
millimeters long and weighs a mere 130 grams. When mounted on a PENTAX digital SLR camera body, it
protrudes very little from the camera’s front panel and offers a focal length equivalent to 107mm in 35mm
format, making it a perfect choice for casual portrait and landscape photography.
Limited Lens-series quality
Distinctive visual description:
The PENTAX Limited Lens series is designed for distinctive visual description by combining a series of
mechanical and numerical evaluations with human assessment of test-shooting samples. As a result, this
lens produces smooth, natural skin tones and beautiful out-of-focus backgrounds at open aperture in
portrait applications, while assuring crisp, high-contrast images at closed-down aperture in landscape
Premium appearance:
The lens barrel, hood and cap are all made of a high-grade aluminum material, shaped for perfect
proportions and striking beauty. The focusing ring is designed for superb accessibility and maximum ease
of focusing operation.
SP coating to protect the lens against weather and grease:
The PENTAX-original Super Protect (SP) coating is applied to the front surface of this lens. Through a
vapor deposition process, the lens surface is coated with a special fluorine compound to repel dust,
weather and grease, making it easy to wipe off fingerprints and cosmetics.
Digital SLR-exclusive optical design: