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Summary of Contents for IQZoom110

Page 1: ...www orphancameras com ...

Page 2: ...r lig lrtirrg contliliorrs Since rlrost of th e op cr ir lior r s inclu ling film loading f ilm sJrc ed sr tting winding rewinding focus arr l t x1r lsurc c tntrol arr autorntr fic vou ilr r takc grr trl pictures ef fort lessly ine l A1 li rno lr l llr rkt s il eirsy lo reniember t ht tltr tt s wlrt n yorr took grir tures o lr rse reirrl tlris nralrual trrc ullv before op cr ir lir rg llre canrcra...

Page 3: ...20 Shutterreleaschrrttorr lr 5 Drive button p 21 lnlinity landse apc burron p l 2 l CD panel p 42 Mrxle butron p 22 Rcd eye reductiorrllash hutton Auofcrcus wind w P 22 Built inllash l ens Viewfinderwindow Sclf tirrrcr llurp p 27 l ightsclls r wirrdou www orphancameras com ...

Page 4: ...Pushthe Main Switch but ton to switch on power scc pagc 4 l ranrc your sub iect and J rillc lh l xrnting lever kr eorrrposcthe shot sce gragc 6 ljorus on your sutr iccl scc pugc l4 f eprcsslhe shulterrclease button ln dark conditions lhc l lash will dischargc aut nutically scepageI 5 When thc llhn is lrnishcd lhc carnerawill autolrrali cally rewind it sec papc l 8 www orphancameras com ...

Page 5: ...e damage or rendcr it inopcrable Damage of any kind will not bc repaired under the lerms of lhe warrantv Therelirre handlethe eanlerawith grcal carc Ncvcr uscsolvrnlssut haspaintthinner llcohol or bcnzinclo clcan the camera t r t i l N s f l l Thc nrisuse l ballery can causc hazardssuch its lcakage overhcating explosions ctc l hc blt teryshouldbe insertedwith thc and sidcs l acingeorreclly Never t...

Page 6: ... ranges l0 1 l r r t P t t t r l i e u l i o t t r I I 5 r tlir r r r r r pltologrlphy lz r l io p tcla tl ustlncrrl lB T llr L r r r g lllrologlirplrs 14 ll lir e tr slo e krlrtxrlitrg l6 Ur r loir tlr rrg thc lilrrr 18 Retlcyc rctfrrr l i on l l asl rntotl e 22 l aylightsynchrosl xxr l i ng 2 1 I akirrglricirrres rlsl wshr r t tcr spectl s 25 Slttw shullct spcctl syncl t phol ogr i r phy 25 llrr...

Page 7: ...rr longer en l of the strap is passc lttrrorrglr the strap lug fronr thc top the disl rrr c ol 0 45rn 1 5ft cannot be mcasured in llrr Super Macro Mode when tlre shorter end of the strap reachcs ttre top of the lrrg llre strap is in proJler position Use the lrrb on the clarrrp scc illustration to deprcss llrc AI JUSl button and to open the lxrtlt ry ch rnttrcrcover To prcvcntlhc canlerafrom swayin...

Page 8: ...rsl url trlck l tintc l ltt lcrrs cr ilut ntirt ictrlly onclrsattdcloscswhcn the ttt rrrr sr rtth is lUt ncd 0rrillttl0l 1 Ncvcl llllcntDl l lx nlhc lcnscorcr rrralrullll 4 Battery chcck Altcl you turrrrhc Mlirr Switch N thc lcns sliglrtly cxlcnds llntl tlrc lcns r rrvcropcns Yotr ttrcnou lcltly Io shtxtl Scc pagc 36 whcrr llrc haltcrl cxhitu lt rl syttthol appcarsorr thc l p rrrcl r Il thccamt rl...

Page 9: ...lbows againstyour hrdy or supp rt yoursell and the anreri acainst a stable staticlrrary object such as a wall Whc n using the llash with the camera positione Iver_ tically hold the calnera so that the fla shis above the lcrrs t r t t i r r t Do not hold thc zqrm lens bccauseit lnovcs buck anrl lirnh whilc in pcrati n Note Makc sure not to obstruct the aulofrx us winrftru lcrrs light scnsorwindow o...

Page 10: ... lOmmtelcphoto setting and frames the sub iect nrore closely When you move the zooming lever to the left lf l the lens moves towards the wide angle 38mrn setting When the lenszooms to the desiredsetting releasethe zoonring lever anddepressthe shutterreleasebutton lully to takepictures www orphancameras com ...

Page 11: ... wirh an ISO raring of lfiX or hrgh e r mainly lirr shrxrringindoors oiin dimly lit condltions o A lilrrr wirh IS04 X film spced is recommendcd lo gct lessirnagcblur and lo cover morc ol lhc photo glaphic situarions Automaticfilm speed setting lLl_rsLlrncra is dcsigncd to use X crxlctl l ilrnswith l5 r rill tngs from l5 to 12 X When rny ol tlrcsclilnrr are kradcd lhc propcr lilrn speedis aulonrltr...

Page 12: ...fitting rtr llat sitlcorrtop ol thc rcwirtdshalt first and then slitlt tlrctop cntl into thc canlcra l rrllthelrltttlcitdcrotlllarcn rtgh liom thecarlridge lo rr rch thc takc up slxxrl S Align the tip ol thc Iilrrru rtlrthe l illn learlcrcnd lnark t Notes Flnsurethe filrn is placed properly between the guide rails r ll there is dirt on the film detect lr O film cannot be wound propcrly f rvr l BJ ...

Page 13: ...c ll tltrs n l lpJlrar on thc l l pancl it irrditltcs tlrrrlthc l ilnris rrolproperl1 krlrhd ll this crccurs rckrrd tht l ilnr ll t blinkson rhc l t pancl ir rneansrhc lilrl is n l prol crly l0atlcd o Thc crposurec unlerindication will rentain xrevcn il lhc rn rinswitch is turncd ol l linsurc thc fllln is laut as illustraledon the prcvi uspage Take up any slack in rhc l ilrnhy pushing it h rck rnt...

Page 14: the sccrrcwithin this I rantc Panoranric firrmal picture i Auloltrur lrarrc Irrrus on thc subicclwitlr this liarnc l iclurc urcir Whcn taking pan rarnic lirrmat piclurcs e mlx sclhc sccrre within this l ranrc When takirrg parroranric format picturt s al a tlisl rrrr t lx lween 0 i5m 2 lfl and l 2nr it 9ft kccp irr min l llurt as whcn takirrg ordinar y pi ctur esthc pi t tur c ar ca w i l l sl r...

Page 15: ...kcip rrr rrrrri lrli rrrlrt shutlerwill r rcleascdwhcn ihc shrrltcrreleirrc hrrttonis dcprcssctl lirlly Notes r l l t h c Atlpsl grccn a o jreen lamp Whcn the subject is in lrrus it will light up to indicate thal you can take lhe picture when thc subie tis not in lirus ir wiil blink injicarirrg rhilt y u cann ttakc thc picturc hccause lhe camera to subjccidislance rs too r krsc Rcd l rmp Whcn thcl...

Page 16: ...llash will dischargcautornatie ally n lrcnlhc sub jce l rs prxrrly rllurnirratcd or backlit lvVltt tt tltt l l pancl display is dillc rr rrtlionr the ortc rhowll lhovc whiclt indicatcslhc olhcl rt totles lrc r t su itthing powcr lil arrdlhcrr N restorcs tlrc n ut lnd Singlc lirarncSh x tingltttxlcs 1 2 r Whcn thc built in llash autontatically disch rrgcs lhc carnerausesa shutler speed in the rangc...

Page 17: ...MENT Ainr thccamerillowarda hrightiubicct While lrxrking lhrotrgltthc vicwl indcr a liirrrrt f pr t u u r g thcrliopteradjusrrnc nr lcvcr lo rhcrighior lrli rrrir rIrht r t triune apl itrsclearest r www orphancameras com ...

Page 18: ...lrrcus thcgrccrrllrtrprvilllightup ll tlrc subjcr t is clost r tlrarr 0 ti5rl 2 lft in wrdc iltlrrll and 0 tl5rn 2 tlft ilt lclt I lSrmrlr thc grr t rrlantp will lrlink to wi r r n you In l hi s t tsc extcnr l tl r c cantcra to subycct dislartceuntil tlrc gret n lalrp is lil corrlrnuorrsll l he shutter cann t bc relt ascd wlrilt il is blinkr ng r Whcn thc rcd larnp lights up it indicatcs lhat lhc ...

Page 19: ...l dol in your subjccl scye llrr cirrnerir In lu lcs _arcd eye rcduetion flash i unr tiorr r rJrit lr rcduccs lhr rcd cyc phcrrolrrcnonby using pre llash Scc pagc 22 lirr tlirails l lash effeclive ranges Nega color filnr usedl t Shrxrting Dc prcssthe shutter releasebutton lully and thc shutter will bereleased Then the lilm automirically advances lo thc nexl lranrc Notes Whcn the shufter is released...

Page 20: ...irus lrrk techniqlle l txus lrrk is the lunction to ltrcklirus I l trrrs on thc suhjcct wilh the autolircus lianrc t l Whcn you wish to l crcus on the lace which appears very srnall in the viewf inder lirus on lhc chesl instcad to l ill the lirus liarnc with lnore ol the subiccl Whcn theshuttcrreleascbulton isdcprcssedhallway down thc grccn lamp on the leli hand sidc ol the viewlindcr lights up an...

Page 21: ...r luc rlr suhjeclncarlhe actu rl ncun f q i f i itir rr if r lens Suhjeos which may lixrl rhc ri t I fllar k ohjct tslikc hair whit h don t rcllcct rrrur h ugnt atxl lhcrclirrc don t rellcct irrliart tllrrrto lircushcanrs _l tv ire nctIing lalliccwork iron excrr isc hlrs ctt l l liekcrrrrgl ight r ur s suchasn ig r il rcsccnt larnps l V inragcs sunlighi eorrrirrg thrrrugI trL c clc and sriblccrsif...

Page 22: ...rcroll ol l ilrn including thc l ilrrrlcadcr is llwln s rctrottnd rnt tht cartridge l prevcnl ilny l lrt ol the lilrrrht ingcxlxrscdto light 1 8 I Unloading the film To unkradthc I ilrrr open thc backcttver andremovelhe cartridgc lrotn lhc chantberby pulling the top out lirsl with your l inger Notes Ihc shullermayhc relcased a frattrc tlrtwocvcn alicr thc spccified nunttrer f l ranreshavc hecn usc...

Page 23: ...n drive hutlon lor more than 3 seconds O I ap1x o r rnrtre L l paneJ indicaringrhal rhe nri f li lf u rewin l lng mode has bccn set While depressingthe Irivemode hutton tlcnrr rsthc snuncrrctcasebullon Film rewindirrgstarir Wlrcrr a roll of lllm is rewound to its cntl thc nl l tst ps 1nd C blinks indicaringrharrhcbackc i u r i i openedsa ely www orphancameras com ...

Page 24: ...hurgcs Allcr onc lrarrrcis shol lhc ordinaryshrxrtirrg nxrdc r r iII urrlorrrirtir lllv rclurn Iir eartce I thislrxrdcbclirrerclcasinl 3 llreshuttir rnovelhc zrxxrrrng lcvcr 20 rt rry Makc sure to use ncgative cokrr tjlnr with lS0 ralings liom l X to 4 X Thc Supcr Macro rnodccan be usedin conrbinatron with any ol the shrxrtingrnrxles l owcver thc ex p surenlrde cannol be changed l hc grecn lanrpdo...

Page 25: ...icct listallcc l 0 45m t l 5t t rn rhis rrirxlelf n i ii lit rl iir ol 45rn 5lt pul l thccl r dol tl r cr r r l i o i u t rt c unlectUnttl tl sl psas sh0wrt in lhci rlluslrirtlt lr lltpr cthe sh twithin the Supcr Macro liiilrre www orphancameras com ...

Page 26: ...o Dayhshr sym 1J ll i lor l J f r Burb Burb_syrc Whcn thc burton f is deprcsscrJ alier the shutteris releascd in any exJrosure mrxle the Auto mode will aut rililtr illly rclttrn Rr d Eye Reduction Flash Iunction l p rctlucc the rcd cye phcnonrcnolrin the picrure depressthe red eyereduction flash bullon E tJ With this rrr14c thc lllsh disr haig cs lw consccutiveilirrrcs rcducing lhe apJrearance of ...

Page 27: ...r When the button is depressedalier the shutteris releasedin any shtxrtingrnrxle the Single Framenl ile will aulomatically relurn Holding down the Drive Burton frrr more than three secondsselsthe mid roll rewinding rnode see page I9 I I www orphancameras com ...

Page 28: ...el let tir c nrnsc Io lllc J t turc I his uill cn ltrc th ll t l teturci w ll t lposctl uillrorrl lnv shadou Whcl ou wish t tlisthurgc tlrr lllrsh ltsc lht nrodc lrr tlii ltrrxlc thc l lashu ill irluays discltargc Noles l itrsrrrc thlt thc rcrl lurrrp orrlhc k li hanrlsidcol the vit ulrrrrlcris lit uhcrr the slruiltr rclctrscht on is tlcPlgqrs lurllw ay dow rr bclirlc shrxrting A rctl lrrrrtp lrli...

Page 29: ... such as in thcatersand lnusc ums I urther more lhis ntodeis alsouscl ullirr a naturalexistinglight effect in low anrbicnt photography Note Whcn shrxiling in low light thc shultcr spccd gcts slowcr anti camcra shakc is likcly to blur your picturc Use ol a triptxJis reconrrncrrdcd slor l sJrced sync m xlc until the l 1 symbol appcars on rhc l l pancl ll is possibleto photogrilph subiecrs rnd hrrek ...

Page 30: ...B rf Tr F B u l b r n o d e g l cprcss thc Modc h r r t t o nu n t r l O B ll l clrs on thc l Cl partcl Ihc shutlcr Ilulh synchro modr g ll the ModeRutton i s d c p r e s s e d f B appelrs onthel l ffi lllTf iJ fi il l adtlition to thc Bulb mtxle so y u can lakc a p rlrail pholograph with a night scene in rhe backgrodnd fbr exanrple lJLrlh nrtxle appr x l sec lSOl X 26 www orphancameras com ...

Page 31: ...jects iirst by depressingthc shultcr release button halfway drtwn and then deprcss lhc shutlerreleasebrtllon lully The shutterwill bc rclcascd in atxrut l0 scconds When the Sell Tirncr is workirrg thc Sell I irncrsyrnbol O blinks on thc l D pancl and the Self Tirncr lamp lights up Thc lantp slarls blinking 3 secondsbelirrc thc shuttcris relcascd lcttirrg you know when lo sntile y 27 www orphancame...

Page 32: ...will not be turnc jol l Whcn you w lnt lo use thc llash with thc sclf lirucr cnsrrrt thurthercd llrnrpislit indit at ins lhc llirshhashccn t hargcdht lori opcrarirrl rhc icll_ Ilntcr_ ll thc hittteryis exhaustetl thc scll tirrrcroJx ra_ lrol 111 q1 nol ht contplclcd oncc startctl In this c ase re place rhe batrcry see page 32 Whcrrthe Bulb nrtxleis usedin cloritbination with thc scll timer a shutt...

Page 33: ... thc rt d larnp is lit lirllowing cach exposurc Deprcssthe Drive Bufton untilthc Q symbol appcars on thc l D paneL Whilc lhe shuitcr rclcascbuttorris hcld down a franrc is shot cvery 1 7scc l he carncra f ruses on the subject franre by liame in this mode so rnakesure lo kccp the autofrrcusliarrreon thc subject www orphancameras com ...

Page 34: ... M uIti l xposrrrt nrorleu i II disengagethc li Int itdvance lcttirrgyorr supcrirnposcintagcsrtn a singlc lrarrrclirr lrrnl rslic illrrsrons Your irttagirurlion crrnprrxlrrtc slriking crclrtivt c l l ects b www orphancameras com ...

Page 35: ... unlcrindicalion and lO blinks on thc l CD patrcl I n TII nlrdcl lo inrlicatcthat you arc rrrlhc Multi exposurc rrrodt Rcpcalcd nrultiple exJnsures tend lo vcrcxp seil 1 Rccontlxrsc thc li alnc and dcplcss thc shutler rc lianrc soil isrccornnrendedthatyouexp sca Iralttc lcascbullon lo shrxrtlhc secondcxlx surc Alicr lhc just twicc or 1 tinrcs al m st sccontlshol lhc lilnr rvill ltlvarreciurtlthc S...

Page 36: ...urc of a distant llrtttlseapc or a tlist rrrl srrh jccl tltrougha wirrdou lhe irrlinity llrrrtlscnpc nrrxlcalkrwsyou lo caplrrrrrlistanl sccncr u ithclrrritt I cprcssIhc Inl ilritv I arrtlscapc ltrrltorr lntl r eA irl l cars on lhc l l grarrcl m www orphancameras com ...

Page 37: ...n thc lnlin ity LundseapclVftde Attcr thc picturc is taken by lully dcpressing lhc shuttcr rclcasebulton this nttilc is eartr t lcd Hrlw cvcr lhis nrodccalrnolbecancclcd w hilc the slrttllcr rclcasebutton is kcpt dcprcsscdin thc ottsccrtltvc Shrxrtingrnodc T he llash will not dischargc in thc Aulo cxp lstlrc rntxlc I le 33 www orphancameras com ...

Page 38: ...t irnprintctl o M on thc l l panel i ntl i ci tl cs Molrlh o Usc thc slr rplool s pin shapctlprolru sion lo tlcprcssthc Select and Ad just bultons Su ilt hing lhc l ftrde At circh prcssol tlrel lrxlt hutton with iJi yrtttr lingcntitil thc rrt xlc olr thc l 1 P l r r c l s w i l c h c s r s s h o u r r i n l h t c h r r l i 1 l r_f l l i l Iltc tllrlc rn lhc t turcub0r c is simu latcd i I I I I I L...

Page 39: ... butlon Thc bar nrark appcarson thc l pancl indicatingthaldalairrrprirrting choicesarc possiblc r ll you rL lcasc thc shutlcru hilc the hlinking dala is bcing corrcclcd thc dala eannot bc inrprintcd o Nurncricalindication Ycar tt7 19t lt tl7 2019t l lottlh l 12 l ir y l ll l rrttc 0 21 IVlrrtute X 59 OPF RATI NA I PRRCA TI TIONS l hc tlataon thc l parrelis irrrJrlintcd olt each li attre yOucxlx sc...

Page 40: ...thc l irllcrv rslt P l utetl r rr tl r rl r l r r r r r l r ci r tl v l ol r tk r l lltr illll fl t ttlt r s l l r e l r r l ti l l tr totl t Il r rr l l r r r r r r r thc l illrrlurs irrsl h t r r l r t r tl t tl l l r tl r r r l l r l r l sclcritl li rrncs 1 rrill ul lxirr on tht l l p rrrr l thcl rirttcry isrcplitt t d ul lht t ntlol thr Iilrrrro l llrc ciur llrnlity n irletcr lthc lilrrrcrrrl ...

Page 41: ...p clarnp s protrusi n Insert one lithium ballery with the plus minus sides matching thc indications in lhe battt ry conr panlncnl I Close the battery chamber cover Ensure that the cover is l rckedwith a click lf the hattery is correctly loaded the ztxlnr lens moves slightly and the mol r pcratcs for a t ew seconds n thc t ATfi MODEI the date is initializ edto tl7l l l whcn the battery chamber cove...

Page 42: ...the cxlcrior ol the cantcrl lnay trc cxlrelncly harrnlul l lhc camcra ntcclurnisntas il rnay cituscrusl Furthcrnlrrc il lhc canlcra is litkcn lioln warnr lcnlperalurc lo a sub lrcczing onc or vice versa lhc lirrrnationol ieclcts rn rvcausc darnagc ln such a cas put thc cutncra llrto a cilsc or plastic bag so lhat rny changcs in Ir nrpcraturr will bc asgradualas Jrrssihlc Al tcr the t nrl cralurcdi...

Page 43: ...aphic session it is recomrnended that you have the camera inspected or tesl shtxll with it Repairs made necessarydue to usageol this product in an industrial or commercial application may not be covered under the terms of the Penlax warrantv l lr rl r r r tlrclrorrrr rlrllri lr llitslt rlt rl rrll rilll When a picture is taken using a flash a suhject s eyes may appearred in theprint This phenomen ...

Page 44: Jra11r l ols thc hlllcrv c hilustctlI RcPlaccit or instrt trcq b rttr r r il it ic exhaustcd sr e plge 36 ls 0 hlinkirrgon tlrc1 CDpancl l ll so rhcl ilrnhashccnusctlup Insen a ncu roll see page 18 ols thcSrcclr larrrp hlinking l ll so lhc camcra l subject distlnccis loo elosc Adjustthcciutlcril t suh jccttlislanccurrtilthc grccnlarnplights up colrliDu usly andthcnslxxrt st e page I l n rc y u ...

Page 45: ...clcctiveifcither nrarkagrpcars olicn Thc crrrect camera lo sub iccl dislances when shrxrling using llash with l itms other than lS l X l Xf or 4 X arc indicaled in thc tahlc bckrw t l I i t 8 r n m t f f f t 0 6 52 5 r n 0 6 5i l 3 n r I o g t l 6 O r n 1 0 2 0 0 m I t s f z t tt t r I _ _ l I t t o m m 1 1 r 0 r b r t r r a r t 9 r I u r o t l s z m 1 0 8 5 n T m c u t r c 5 n r I _ t t _ _ J Wit...

Page 46: ... r 2 l f l i l r w i d c l J f l r r r r r r 0 U l n r 2 f l l t i r r l t l t l l r r r r r t i t t f i t r i t y M a x i r r r r r r r r r n r g r r i l i r r l i o r r r p r r o x l 7 X 15nr l 5fi irr Srrlx r N l rt ro N4agrrifir alir n rl l rox li l lnfinily larrrlscapc t r r r x l r f o r r r si s f i x r l t o i t t f i t r i l v l lt t llonit zrxrnt I topt ttttttterlAl clt clronie slutttcr ...

Page 47: ...l S O 1 0 0 f i l n r r r s c d Aplrror 5 scc utrdct ltcnlax lcstir1rcorllitrons nc lV lithrtrrrrbailery R I 2 lA or tlrc ctlurralcnt Aplrrrrx l5 rttlls ol 24 cx xrsure filnr whcn 50 4 ofshrxrting uses llaslr undcr rnt rr lcsltng cort lrli ns r tstll tlrranzcontrollctl l l wrth digital chrk itutocllcnd tr Ycar Monlh arrd l ay l uy lfturr and Mirrutc or hlank l l 5 W x 7 0 l H 5 l 0 t l X 1 9 x 2 1...

Page 48: ... l ioptcr irdjustlncnt levcr gl I 3 V icrvlinrlt rt r cpiccc N uinswitt h t 1r 4 Zrxrrnirrg levcr 11 i liilrrrinlirrrn rt iorrwirrrkru ll rtL covt r rclc rrclcvcr lr fl llack covcr p ti Tr iprd srrkct Battcry clrirrnl r c ver p 37 w M 46 www orphancameras com ...

Page 49: ...O l ilrrr Rewirrt llntxle p lli il r Scll rirner p 27 t olrscculivc Shrxlling mrxte p 29 Mulri l xgrsure Shrxrting nxxle p JQ Ilulb p 26 Slow spced shutter 1p 25 io o fr fr glBrltr rs l CD l iguid rystal disptay Whcrrthe l l iscxposcdkr high tcnlJreraturcs vcr atxrut fi it rnay blackclt but whcn lhe lt rrrlx ra_ lure normalizcs il will rclurn lo nonnal J he l D lnay also slow down in reslx nsel l ...
