Aboveground Pool Cleaner Installation and User’s Guide
Adjusting Flow to the Cleaner With the Flow Gauge
1. Turn the pool pump off.
2. Disconnect the E-Z Vac
Aboveground Pool Cleaner from the leader hose and connect
the flow gauge.
Make sure the hose remains submerged to prevent suction of air.
3. Turn the pump on.
4. Turn the regulator valve adjustment knob clockwise to increase flow or counterclockwise
to decrease flow, until the disc indicator in the flow gauge settles between “Maximum”
and “Minimum” flow. See
Figure 9
The flow gauge is calibrated for use with the “Y” shaped regulator valve supplied
with the cleaner. The flow gauge will not indicate the correct flow if you are using any
other regulator valve.
5. Turn the pool pump off and remove the flow gauge and reconnect the cleaner.
6. Lower the cleaner in to the pool and allow it to drop to the pool floor.
7. Restart the pool pump.
Figure 9
Figure 10
Regulator Valve
Too much Vacuum/Flow?
You have too much vacuum if the cleaner sticks to the pool bottom or moves slightly or not at all or if the cleaner climbs up
the pool wall past the water line to the point that the cleaner sucks air and the pump loses prime. Frequent loss of prime
will damage the pump. To correct this, adjust the regulator valve by turning the adjustment knob counterclockwise. This will
decrease the suction.
Not enough Vacuum/Flow?
You don’t have enough vacuum if the cleaner moves sluggishly, or not at all. Be sure the filter system is clean and the regulator
valve and all valves are adjusted to give you maximum vacuum. If the cleaner is still not moving, your pump may not be strong
enough to operate the cleaner. Please refer to the
on page 7.