Check List:
1. Check junction box for
2. Check wiring of pump black,
white, red power wires.
3. Check wiring of heat sensor
and seal failure wires if
4. Energize control panel. (Turn
on power to panel.)
5. Check overload relay and
verify reset mode (if
overload is supplied).
6. WARNING! Live voltage
can kill! Check voltage to
the panel and to the con trol
circuit using a voltmeter.
7. Check float operation and
response to control panel
to the float operation. For
sequence of operation, refer
to design specification.
8. Check full load current with
amp probe and compare it
with the nameplate rat ing.
(Clamp amp probe around
black pump wire.)
9. With pump running, check
discharge to verify the pump
is running. Check for flow.
10.Check operation of start relay,
per procedure in Item #3 on
page 4.
11. Make sure H-O-A switch is
left in the Auto position after
start-up is com plet ed.
12.Make sure all conduits from
wet well to panel are sealed
below panel. Septic gases
will damage components in
Pump Start-up:
Refer to pump “Installation
and Service Manual”.
WARNING: Before handling
these Hydromatic pumps and
controls, always disconnect the
power first. Do not smoke or use
sparkable electrical devices or
flames in a septic (gaseous) or
possible septic sump.
1. Pump does not run in
Hand position.
a. Check pump circuit breaker
and control fuse for trip ping
or blown condition.
b. Check incoming power
voltage and control
circuit voltage.
c. Check overload relay to see
if it is tripped. Reset relay
if tripped.
d. With the power off, check
motor heat sensor continuity.
e. Check wiring of pump to
control panel. It should
agree with the schematic.
Check contactor coil
resistance. It should be 50
to 200 ohms.
2. Pump does not run in
Auto position.
a. Check items (a.) through
(d.) per Item #1.
b. Floats may be miswired to
control panel. Check float
type (N.O. or N.C.) and
hook up by referring to the
schematic. If the start and
stop floats are hooked in
reverse, pump will short
cycle and will not pump the
level down.
c. Is the water level in the
system high enough to
activate floats?
d1. With the power off, remove
Off float and On float
wires and replace with
two jumpers made from
insulated wire.
d2.Turn power on (with H-O-A
switch in Auto position). If
pump runs, the prob lem is
in one of the floats.
d3.If the problem is in a float,
turn power off, remove
jumper and reconnect the
upper float. Turn power on
and see if pump will run in
Auto. This will help identify
which float is the problem.
Turn power off before
removing any jumper or
reconnecting any float.
3. Pump runs, but run light
does not energize.
a. Remove light bulb and
check with ohmmeter.
b. Check wiring for run light
in panel.
4. Pump runs but does not
pump down the wet well.
a. Impeller may be dragging
in volute due to solids.
High am per age draw would
identify this.
b. Refer to the pump manual
for other possibilities such
as closed discharge gate
valve, etc.
5. Severe humming/chattering of
contactors and control relays.
a. There may be low voltage.
Check voltage to the panel
and to the control circuit
using a voltmeter. This
low voltage condition may
even cause se vere chattering
and burn-out of relays.
Contactors require a
minimum of 85% of full