CFICGEN Installation
Ensure to Install Chlorine/Bromine Feeders after the CFICGEN cell
When using the CFICGEN with an in-floor cleaning system, it is
recommended that a separate return line be used for the cleaner to reduce
the increased water pressure stress on the CFICGEN cell.
Loop Plumbing Diagram
The CFICGEN is designed to operate with water flow rates from 25+/-5
gallons per minutes (GPM) up to 105 GPM. Over 80 GPM you must use a
bypass loop for the best chlorine production. Installations with flow rates
over 80 GPM include those that have in-floor cleaning systems or booster
pumps. These systems must use a bypass loop with the CFICGEN with a
flow control valve that assures that the flow through the CFICGEN is
maintained within it’s designed operating water flow rates.
Plumbing Diagram
Always install the CFICGEN AFTER the filter and heater. The
CFICGEN should be at least three (3) feet away from the heater
If the CFICGEN is installed on a pool/spa combination system,
install (see diagram below) BEFORE the pool/spa return valve to
allow proper chlorination of both the pool and spa and also to avoid
creating gas being trapped in the pool plumbing.
Horizontally install the CFICGEN cell.