PN524 (08-01-20)
Figure 5: Circuit (Winding) Resistance Test
Figure 6: Ground Check
The following electrical checks can be made with pump
Risk of high voltage electrical shock when
testing. Can stun, burn, or kill. 0nly qualified electricians
should perform these tests.When testing, use all normal
precautions for the voltages involved.
1. Shut off main power supply and disconnect motor wires.
2. Attach two ohmmeter leads to pairs of cable wires in turn
(black and red wires on three wire single phase units).
Compare readings with data provided in motor manual.
3. If reading is considerably higher than chart, an open circuit
(broken wire) is indicated; if reading is con siderably lower, a
short circuit is indicated. In either case, remove pump from
well and repair unit.
Be sure to include cable and winding resistance.
Multiply cable length by the per-foot cable resistance (see
Table IV, Page 2) and add winding resistance from motor
chart to get total.
1. Shut off main power supply and disconnect motor wires.
2. Attach one ohmmeter lead to pipe or METAL well casing and
the other lead, in turn, to each individual motor wire.
3. If resistance reading goes to zero after touching any of the
wires, the pump should be raised to determine location of
ground fault (cable, motor, or splice).
4. Raise pump, watching resistance reading. When re sis tance
goes to infinity, fault has come out of the water. If ground
fault is located in cable or splice, repair it.
5. If ground fault appears to be located in motor, remove pump
from well. Cut cable at motor side of splice and determine
whether or not motor is grounded. If motor indicates complete
ground (resistance reading goes to zero) replace unit.
If motor is not grounded, re-check splice and cable.