Operation Instructions
(I) Turn on
1. Turn the power switch to the “ON” position, the product will
automatically turn on
(II) Turn off
1. The pen will automatically turn off if it is not operated for 3 minutes
2. Press and hold the “Play” button for about 5 seconds for soft closedown
3. Directly turn the power switch to the “OFF” position to turn off the pen
(III) Basic Operation
1. Switch between Voice Mode and Music Mode: while in standby, press
and hold the “M” (mode) button;
2. Menu Operation: at any time, press the “Mode” key to show the menu,
and then press the “Mode” key to confirm and return; press the “Play” key
to quickly exit the menu. asdkjbsfkjhsfkjhds
3. Volume Adjustment: under Play state, press and hold the “Next” (V+) or
“Back”(V-) key to increase or decrease the volume.
(IV) Voice Mode
Under the standby state of Voice Mode, press the “Mode” key to show
“Delete File”, “Delete All”, “Recording Type”, “Voice Control Switch ”, “Exit”
menus, press the “Back/Next” key to switch and then press the “Mode” key
to confirm your selection.
1. Recording Type: adjust the recording quality between 32Kbps,
64Kbps, 128Kbps, 192Kbps and 384Kbp. Press the “Back/Next” to select,
press the “M” key to confirm, press “Play” key to quickly exit the menu
without saving.
2. Delete File: delete single file when “Voice Mode” is in standby, press
the “Back/Next” key to select YES NO, then press the “Mode” key to
confirm. Press the “Play” key to quickly exit the menu without deleting any
3. Delete All: delete all files in the record folder, press the “Back/Next” key
to select YES or NO, then press the “Mode” key to confirm Press the “Play”
key to quickly exit the menu without deleting any file.
4. Voice Control Switch: under “OFF” state, acoustic control is
unavailable; under “ON” state, acoustic control is available.. Press the “M”
key to select.
5. Exit: exit menu. (V) Recording
Move the recording switch to the “Rec” position to start recording, move it
to the “Save” position to stop recording and save the file.
***Save the file after recording before turning off the product. The
recording file will not be saved if the power switch is turned off before
first moving the other switch to “save”. The recording file will be
automatically saved if the product turns off under low power.
(VI) Audio Playback
When playing, press the “Mode” key to show “Cycle Mode”, “Cycle Mode”,
“Exit” menu, press the “Back/Next” key to switch and then press the
“Mode” key to select the menu.
1. Cycle Mode: the product supports “Catalog Repeat”, “All Repeat”,
“Random Play”, “Browse Play”, “Common Mode”, “Single Cycle ”, “Catalog
Play” are available, press the “M” key to confirm selection, press the “Play”
key to quickly exit the menu.
In above modes, “Browse Play” only plays the first 10 seconds of every
song and then switches to the next song
Any cycle mode selected will immediately take effect, press any key to
exit and save automatically
2. Repeat Mode: press the “M” key to select point A, press “M” key again
to select point B, after confirming point A-B, the program will play
circularly between point A-B, press the “M” key again to exit Repeat, or
press “Play” key to exit Repeat Mode.
3. Exit: exit menu.
(VII) Music Mode
Under the standby state of Music Mode, press the “Mode” key to show
“Delete File”, “Delete All”, “Exit” menus, press the “Back/Next” key to switch.
Operation is the same as that of the Voice Mode, the “Recording Type”
here is the same as the “Recording Type” under the “Voice Mode”, but it
deletes the music file instead of the recording file here.
(VIII) Play Music
When playing, press the “M” key to show “Cycle Mode”, “Sound Effect
Mode”, “Exit” menu, press the “Back/Next” key to switch and then press the
“M” key to select the menu.
1. Cycle Mode: the product supports “Catalog Cycle”, “All Cycle”, “Random
Play”, “Browse Play”, “Common Mode”, “Single Cycle”, “Catalog Cycle” are
available, press the “M” key to confirm the selection, press the “Play” key to
quickly exit the menu.
In above modes, “Browse Play” only plays the first 10 seconds of every
song and then switches to the next song
Any cycle mode selected will immediately take effect, press any key to
exit and save automatically
2. Sound Effect Mode: the product supports “Natural”, “Rock and Roll”,
“Pop”, “Classic”, “Mild”, “Jazz”, “Bass”, press the “M” key to confirm, press
“Play” key to quickly exit the menu.
These settings will immediately take effect if any Sound Effect Mode is
selected, and the sound effect may change when selecting, press any key
to exit and save automatically.
3. Exit: exit menu.
(IX) Laser Pen Function
While the pen is charged, press the “Laser Pen” button to activate the laser
pointer, release the button to turn off the laser.
(III) Connect with Computer
Connect one end of the USB cable with the pen, and the other end with
the USB interface of the computer
The product can play or record when charging, therefore, it can connect
with the computer after turning off, or charge after turning on.
(IV) Charging
Connect one end of the USB cable with the product, and the other end
with the USB interface of the computer
Specification of Charger: 5V 500mAh, chargeing for about 3 hours to get
Please turn the power switch to On state when charging