#122420-001 -
- Revision 05 - Date: 12-01-2008
Page 18
5.2 - Start-Up & Operating Procedures (continued)
board controlling both the 12VDC fans and the 24VAC control circuit. On the circuit board you will find the 12VDC
fan fuses and fan relays. Each (ATC) automotive fuse is labelled for its function.
Do Not Replace
with a higher
amperage fuse. The main blower fuse is 25 Amp and the compressor and condenser fan fuses are 15 Amp.
5. Controller Operation:
• When the red power switch is turned on, the blower and compressor fans will power on immediately unless a fuse
has blown or the circuit to the blower/fan is open. There are two LED lights on the circuit board. The top one will light
continuously when the board is energized. The bottom light is the Control Status LED. If the sensors do not detect
any abnormal situations, the power switch LED will remain lit constantly and the Control Status LED will cycle on &
off approximately once per second to indicate normal operation.
• When the Thermostat switch closes (request for cool air) the Condenser Fans will power on with a 2 second delay
between the first and second fan.
• After a 30 Second delay, the circuit board will energize the Compressor Relay, powering on the compressor.
• Once the thermostat Switch opens (indicating the desired temperature has been achieved) the compressor relay is
opened, powering off the compressor. The Condenser Fans will also be cycled off.
• During operation, if any sensor indicates an abnormal condition, or a fuse fails, the Controller will shut-down the
Compressor and Condenser Fans. The Controller will then log the abnormal condition in the controllers Nonvola-
tile memory. While the abnormal condition persists, an Error Code will be flashed in the Power Switch and in the
Control Status LED.
Error & Shut-Down Codes:
- Operational errors are reported by the flashing light in the Power Switch and in the Control Status LED. The flashes
are approximately 1/2 second per flash and are followed by a 4 second pause between error flash cycles.
- Freeze Stat
- 1 flash
- High Pressure Switch
- 2 flashes
- Low Pressure Switch
- 3 flashes
- Blower / Blower Fuse
- 4 flashes
- Condenser Fan 1 / Relay / Fuse
- 5 flashes
- Condenser Fan 2 / Relay / Fuse
- 6 flashes
- Compressor Fan / Fuse
- 7 flashes
- Controller Board Error
- 8 flashes
Statistic Information:
- The information collected by the Controller is as follows.
- Total Power on Cycles
- Total Errors
- Last % Errors
A button next to the Control Status LED provides access to the Statistic Information. When the button is depressed
the Control Status LED will quickly blink 3 times to acknowledge the selection. Afterwards, the button may be cycled
a number of times in order to select the statistic desired. Refer to the following list for options;
• One Cycle
- Total “Power On” Cycles
This displayed value represents the total number of “power on” cycles in the unit’s lifetime or since the last time
the statistics were cleared. This selection displays a decimal number to be “blinked” out, one digit at a time start-
ing with the most significant digit. For example, if the unit has been turned on 47 times, the Control Status LED
would blink 4 times, pause about 2 seconds and then blink 7 times. (Note: 2 very short pulses indicates zero). After
approximately a 5 second pause, the Control Status LED will quickly blink 3 times to indicate that the read out is
complete and the unit is back in normal operating mode.
• Two Cycles
- Total Errors Count
This selection display the total number of error situations encountered by the controller during the unit’s lifetime,
or since the last time the statistics were cleared. The format of the readout is the same as described in the Total
“Power On” Cycles. If no errors have been encountered, nothing will flash, the 3 quick blinks will occur to indicate
the unit has returned to normal operation.