ISSUED: 11-14-06 SHEET #: 024-9010-1
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2 of 4
Wall plate (
) can be mounted to three studs that are 16" apart on center for WSP 716 models and 16",
20" or 24" on center for WSP 724 models.
Use a stud finder to locate the edges of the studs. Use of an
edge-to-edge stud finder is highly recommended.
Based on their edges, draw a vertical line down each stud’s center. Place wall plate on wall as a
template. Level plate, and mark the center of the twelve mounting holes. Make sure that the mounting
holes are on the stud centerlines. Drill twelve 1/2" holes through drywall and metal studs.
It may be
necessary to drill 5/32" pilot holes prior to drilling 1/2" holes.
• Product must be mounted through drywall that has a
minimum thickness of 1/2" and into metal studs, 26
gauge or heavier.
• Make sure that togglers are anchored into the center
of the studs as shown in figure 1. The use of an "edge
to edge" stud finder is highly recommended.
figure 1