Sampling interval box:
Fill the box with the desired
sampling interval, the unit is
second. Click to select the check
box at the left of the sampling
interval box to enable custom
setting, otherwise the default
sampling interval will be adopted
Value repeat check box:
Click this check box to determine
whether to record a reading which
is same as the previous reading.
Max record number box:
Fill the box with a number of the
upper limit of data recording. The
application will disconnect from
the meter and stop recording
number has been reached. For
example, if the max. record
number is 10, it means that the
max. recording ability is 10
readings for each connection.
Line chart box
The chart box is for the setting for
the chart in right-bottom area.
Readings on the chart are same
as the readings on the data
recording area. these readings
were obtained by sampling from
the measurement readings at the
specified sampling interval.