5.11.1. Keyboard edition
The users may use the keyboard to edit and change the user-defined waveforms, follow below
1. select CHA tone, set frequency 1kHz, amplitude 20Vpp.
2. press
】 【
W aveform
and select “#” unit, set a waveform sequence number within
11# ~ 15# to recall a user-defined waveform.
3. press
key, the “Edit” keyboard will be on, and the users may start to edit and change
current waveform.
4. press
key and select “#” unit to set editing point sequence number.
5. press
key and select “°” unit to set horizontal phase value. The setting range of
horizontal phase value is 0°
360°, the horizontal phase value of 0# editing point must be 0°,
and the one of the last editing point must be 360°, with the one of middle editing points
increased one by one.
6. press
key and select “V DC” unit to set vertical voltage value, of which the setting
range is -10 V ~ +10 V, if you need cycle of waveform continuous, you must make the vertical
voltage values of points 0° and 360° equal.
7. Start from 0# editing point, set a series of editing points with above method. The generator can
connect each point together in lines to form a user-defined waveform. Connect an oscilloscope
to the CHA output port to real-time observe the effect of the edition. The least points for a
user-defined waveform is 2(such as Ramp), 800 points at most.
8. Press
key, the “Edit” keyboard indicator will be off and the generator exit waveform
edition state.
5.11.2. Edit with PC
It is able to edit simple user-defined waveforms with few editing points with the keyboard of the
generator, and its advantage is real-time editing and outputting, and the waveforms edited could
be modified arbitrarily. But as for complicated waveforms with many editing points, editing with
keyboard wastes time much, you’d better edit on computer screen using a mouse with the
waveform-editor software, then download the waveform data to the generator. Follow below steps:
1. Install the waveform edition software written in the CD of the generator to the PC, connect the
generator to the PC with an USB cable. Switch on the generator and select CHA tone.
2. Run the waveform edition software, to show arbitrary waveform edition interface, click “clear
waveform” button with the mouse, the waveform display area will be cleared and the users may
create an arbitrary waveform. There are two windows under the waveform display area,
indicating X horizontal phase value, of which the range is 0 ~ 360°, Y vertical voltage value, of
which the range is -10V ~ +10V. When moving the mouse to the waveform display area, the
two windows will show the X and Y coordinates of the current mouse position. Click the mouse
to set an editing point. It is convenient to use the mouse to set editing points, but in this case it
is a little difficult to set accurate value. The users may use the keyboard to input if want to get
accurate coordinates. Firstly input X coordinate, press Enter, then input Y coordinate and
press Enter, to set an accurate editing point. Of course the users may also set editing points
with both of the keyboard and mouse. The horizontal phase value of 0# editing point must be
0°, and the one of the last editing point must be 360°, with the one of middle editing points
increased one by one. If you need cycle of waveform continuous, you must make the vertical
voltage values of points 0° and 360° equal. The least points for user-defined waveform is 2,
800 points at most, you can set editing points in the waveform display area with mouse or
keyboard, and the software can connect each point together in lines to form an user-defined
3. After finishing the user-defined waveform edition, click “download data” button with the mouse
to download this user-defined waveform data to the generator. Connect an oscilloscope to the
CHA output port to observe the arbitrary waveforms downloaded.