User Guide
October 2016 – Rev 9
Page 14
Appendix A Troubleshooting
ESR value when probes
are shorted is not close
to 0M
Perform a probe compensation.
Display shows
Removing trace
This message is displayed if the
detected that the attached capacitor may be
exhibiting “Soakage” or “Dielectric
Absorption”, this is quite normal. The
instrument then ensures that the capacitor is
very well discharged and helps to prevent
voltage developing across the capacitor after
the normal discharge procedure has completed.
Display shows
Auto discharge
taking too long!
The unit attempts to remove charge from the
capacitor using a controlled discharge
procedure. If this takes longer than 60 seconds
then the discharge process will be aborted. It is
recommend that you safely discharge the
capacitor manually and try analysis again.
Display shows
Warning! V=132V
Safely discharge
If the voltage across the capacitor is greater
than 50V then the
will not attempt
to discharge the capacitor, please safely
discharge the capacitor manually.
Display shows
Self Test Fail
Code 2
It is possible that a hardware failure has
occurred, please contact Peak Electronic
Design Limited for assistance.
Display shows
even though it’s a new
capacitor and out'of'
will display “In'Circuit/Leaky”
if the charge curve is non'linear by more than
10%. Some capacitors (even new ones) can
exhibit a non'linear charge characteristic and
means that the capacitance cannot be reliably
measured. “Exercising” the capacitor can help,
so try to measure it again a few times.