Document Number PD196-068 R1
14 October 2004
Page 12 of 24
Disinfecting and Cleaning
The P10LCD should be disinfected before performing any service. The following procedure is
only a recommendation. Your hospital or company may have a different procedure to follow.
– Before using any cleaning or disinfecting
agent on the P10LCD, perform a spot check by wetting
a small area of the cabinet. Verify the agent does not
discolor or deteriorate the cabinet.
1. The P10LCD has been designed to withstand up to a 5% chlorine based disinfectant.
Many alcohol and ammonia based disinfectants have also been tested with success.
However, before using any cleaner or disinfectant, spot check a small area on the
2. Apply the cleaner or disinfectant per its recommended instructions. Note – most
disinfectants require a waiting time following application and prior to wipe-down.
Stubborn ink and other scratch type marks may prove difficult to remove. A dilute solution of
Isopropyl alcohol will generally work when all else fails. However, full strength Isopropyl will
remove the cabinet’s paint. Use with caution!