Hardware Setup
Installing a New Processor
An upgrade processor can dramatically increase general system speed and performance.
Most microprocessor upgrade kits include the following items:
Microprocessor chip
Installation instructions and technical data
Your system may have these features built in, or support them as upgrades.
To Install a Processor to ZIF Socket
To install the processor, follow these steps:
If the system microprocessor is already on the motherboard socket, you need to
remove it from the motherboard socket. The socket is a Zero Insertion Force (ZIF)
socket which has a metal arm at one side. Carefully grasp this arm, move it horizontally
away from the socket and lift it up. Eventually you will be able to lift the chip straight
up out of the socket.
Be careful not to bend any of the pins when removing the microprocessor
chip from its socket. The microprocessor chip can be permanently damaged.
Unpack the new microprocessor chip.
Carefully align the processor with the correct orientation to the socket on the
Carefully insert the processor into the socket, and move the metal arm downward to
replace it in its original position.
Connect the Processor Fan Connector
There is a fan attached the processor to prevent the overheating. Connect the
processor fan cable to the fan connector that located on the motherboard near the
processor and ensure the fan can operate. Otherwise the CPU can overheat and
damage to both CPU and motherboard.
Setting the Processor Speed
After you install the processor into the motherboard, set the processor speed refer to
the Page “CPU Speed Selection”.