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Machine Type
Web Login
Gigabit Mode
Submenu Name
Network Setting
IP Address
To configure the IP Address of the device.
Network Mask
To configure the IP Net Mask of the device.
To configure the IP Gateway of the device.
MAC Address
To display the MAC address of the device
Product Name
To configure the product name of the device.
Version Info
To display some properties of the device, such as software version.
Factory Settings
The switch to make factory default setting.
Machine Type
MAC Address
To configure the MAC address of the device.
To configure the serial number of the device.
External Board MAC
To configure the MAC address of the device.
Web Login
HTTP Login
To configure the user name and password of
web access.
Gigabit Mode
To choose Gigabit mode (IPTV, Full Duplex, Multiple Output)