PAX 2 users have told us they enjoy increasing the temperature
setting during a session. There are four settings available to customize
your experience.
To adjust the temperature setting, hold down the mouthpiece button
for an extended press while the device is on.
You’ll know you’re in temperature set mode once the LED petals
change from green to yellow, then orange and finally, red as you
increase the temperature setting. Cycle through the settings by
pressing in the center of the mouthpiece.
Exit temperature set mode by holding down on the mouthpiece
button for an extended press, or by shaking the device.
Keeping your PAX clean is easy:
1. Remove the mouthpiece and the oven lid.
2. Dip a pipe cleaner in isopropyl alcohol—either from the bottle
or poured into a suitable container—then insert into the vapor
pathway to pop out the oven screen.
3. It’s a great idea to soak both your silicone mouthpiece and
oven screen in a cup of isopropyl alcohol—available from
most supermarkets. But never submerge the oven lid in alcohol,
or water.
4. ‘Floss’ the pipe cleaner back & forth through the vapor path to
remove any residue or build-up.
Clean the inside of the oven and the top of the device using a
Q-tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol.
5. Once you’ve flossed the vapor path, cleaned the oven and the
top of the device, soaked the mouthpiece and the oven screen,
you’re all done!
Make sure the oven screen and mouthpiece are COMPLETELY dry
before replacing.
To insert the oven screen, place one end in the oven—furthest from
the vapor pathway. Then lay the screen in the rest of the way and
press firmly in the center. It should snap into place and sit slightly
bowed in the bottom of the oven.
We recommend cleaning the device every few uses for the best
vapor experience with PAX 2.