Transport and storage iModem6
It is recommended to remove the battery from the dedicated pin-and-socket connector for transport and sto
rage of the iModem6.
To reset the iModem, the battery must be plugged again. Note: the SuperCap can be partially discharged
after a long storage period. Meanwhile individual modem features are available to a limited extent only (in
particular for data transmission).
Recycling batteries and old appliances
Used electric appliances, batteries and rechargeable batteries are subject to particular statutory
provisions. Batteries, rechargeable batteries and electric appliances must not be disposed with
the household waste.
The end user is obligated to return them by the law. Used electric appliances, batteries and re-
chargeable batteries can be disposed at collecting points, municipal disposal areas or by manu-
facturer / supplier.
The Paul Wegener GmbH as seller of batteries and electric appliances fulfills its take-back obligation and
disposes used batteries and old electric appliances free of charge.
This take-back obligation, however, limits itself to used electric appliances, batteries and recharge
able batte-
ries which belong or belonged to the product range of the Paul Wegener GmbH and the amount which was
delivered by the Paul Wegener GmbH.
The end user bears the forwarding charges.
Operating manual of data acquisition system PWBlogg
Technical data
aluminium cast 80 x 160 x 60 mm (w x h x d)
Degree of protection:
approx. 1400 g
Power suppy :
lithium battery 16,5 Ah (optional external supply 12 VDC)
Operation time:
up to 3 years
Data transmission:
RS232 or infrared
Explosion protection:
II 3G Ex ec IIC T4 Gc X (optional)
-20°C ≤Ta ≤ 60°C