36% Edge540 ARF
Instruction Manual
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing the Performance Aircraft Unlimited 36% Edge 540. The Zivko
Edge 540 was designed and developed to be the best aerobatic aircraft in the world and it delivered! Not only
does this aircraft dominate IAC competition but has also found a home in the Red Bull racing circuit where it
has won title after title. The 540 stands for the powerful Lycoming 540 motor, which puts out more than 300hp.
Made from modern composites, this aircraft is sure to be on the podium for some time to come.
The PAU Edge is no different! Designed with 2123 sq inches of wing area while keeping the total weight down
has made this aircraft a true performer. All wood construction and top quality hardware make it hard to beat. If
you want an aircraft precise enough to compete in IMAC or to turn it loose for the wildest 3D maneuvers on the
planet, the 36% PAU Edge 540 is the only choice. The Edge 540 return to RC starts today!