Protection from the weather shall be provided for the ancillary equipment unless this equipment
is certified by the manufacturer as being suitable for use outdoors, and is of a type with
a mini mum degree of protection IPX4.
Important safety instructions for power adaptors
Frequently Asked Questions/Troubleshooting
What voltage is required to control animals?
4 kV is widely accepted as the recommended minimum voltage to control animals. However,
you also require a well constructed fence system to ensure that animals cannot push through
electrified wires.
The fence voltage is below 4 kV. How do I increase the voltage?
Check the energiser. Ensure that the energiser is not set on half power.
Disconnect the energiser from the fence and earth system. Measure the voltage across
the energiser terminals with a PATURA Fence Compass, DVM or Fence Tester. If the voltage
is less than 6 kV, request your PATURA service agent to check the energiser.
Check the energiser earthing. Use the procedure described in “Installing and testing an earth
system” on page 33.
Check your fence system for faults. The most common source of low voltage is faults on the
fence line.
If the fence, earth and energiser are in good condition and the voltage is still below 4 kV, talk
to your PATURA distributor. They will help you identify whether recent extensions to your fence,
a poor fence layout, or soil conditions may be causing inadequate voltage.
How do I locate faults?
The recommended tool for locating faults is the PATURA Fence Compass.
This combined voltage and current meter allows you to rapidly locate sources of current leak-
age. Alternatively, use a PATURA DVM or Fence Tester. Use cutout switches to turn off the
power to different sections of the electric fence. If the voltage on the fence increases when a
section of the electric fence is turned off, then investigate that section for possible faults.
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