Connecting the SmartNode 4171 to Your Laptop PC
SmartNode 4170 User Manual
• Initial Configuration
Figure 8. Connecting the SmartNode to your Laptop PC
The SmartNode comes with a built-in DHCP client and a fixed IP address to simplify configuration. The
SmartNode will receive an IP address from the DHCP server in the network or it can be directly accessed using
the static IP address.
Configure the Desired IP Address
Factory-default IP Settings
The factory default configuration for the Ethernet interface IP addresses and network masks are listed in Table 5.
The Ethernet interface is activated upon power-up. The WAN interface uses DHCP client to automatically
assign the IP address and network mask.
If these addresses match with those of your network, go to section
“Connecting the SmartNode to the Net-
on page 30. Otherwise, refer to the following sections to change the addresses and network masks.
To access the SmartNode, start the Telnet application. Type either the default IP address into the address field
of the Telnet application:
OR run the SmartNode Discovery Tool, to access the SmartNode.
Accessing your SmartNode via a Telnet session displays the login screen. Type the factory default login:
and leave the password empty. Press the Enter key after the password prompt.
Table 5. Factory Default IP Address and Network Mask Configuration
IP Address
Network Mask
WAN Interface Ethernet 0 0(ETH 0/0)
Static IP Address