Some tips on propane and the safe use of propane fuel
Propane (LP GAS) is a very safe fuel if used properly. Propane or liquefied petroleum gas is highly
flammable, explosive under pressure, clean burning, heavier than air, and settles or puddles in low
In its natural form propane gas is odorless. For your safety and for ease of detection an odorant has
been added to the propane that smells like rotten cabbage. If you ever believe that you have a propane
gas leak in any appliance shut off the appliance immediately and find and correct the leak.
Direct contact with propane gas can cause freeze burns to the skin.
Your heater is shipped from the factory to be used with propane fuel only. Do not attempt to alter your
heater in any way.
Use only a “DOT” (Department of Transportation) approved 20-pound cylinder (when it’s empty) with an
“ACME”TYPE 1” connection with “QCC” (Quick Connect Coupler). Use only cylinders equipped with an
approved OPD “Overfill Protection Device.” This device prevents accidental over-filling and possible
escape of fuel when the cylinder is heated. These OPD equipped cylinders can be easily identified by
their triangular handle at the top of the tank and inside and outside threads where the regulator
attaches to the cylinder valve. Do NOT attempt to alter or modify any parts of this safety system!
Never attempt to use a cylinder that has a rusted or damaged main body, a damaged collar or valve, or
a damaged foot ring. Take your cylinder to an authorized propane retailer if you have any questions
whatsoever about the safety or suitability of your cylinder…they’re experts!
Whenever you’re not using the heater be sure to turn the tank off at the valve and the heater off at its
main valve.
New tanks with OPD valves also contain a device that senses leaks in your heaters fuel system.
If you find that the pilot light lights and ignites the burner only to find that it shuts down within a
minute or two this indicates that the safety system has detected a leak in either the hose or at
the various connections of the heater head. Check all fittings with a soapy solution and then
attempt to re-light.
On all new OPD cylinders the regulator assembly and hand wheel must be completely and correctly
engaged and tightened into the cylinder valve or it will not allow the gas to flow to the heater. Be sure
this connection is tight but do not over-tighten. You do not need to use any tools to make this
connection. You can also double-check this connection at the cylinder with a soap and water
solution…never with an open flame!
Never store a propane cylinder indoors. If you are not using the heater disconnect the cylinder from the
heater and store it outdoors in an area where it is not accessible to children.
Never paint a propane cylinder any other color than what is provided by the cylinder manufacturer.
We recommend that you use 20 lb. OPD equipped propane cylinders made in the U.S. by either
Worthington Cylinder or Manchester Tank. These are high quality propane cylinders that are
constructed to the highest in manufacturing standards, safety standards, and quality standards.
We recommend using only authorized propane filling stations or nationally recognized cylinder
exchange companies. If you are unsure about the quality of the cylinder, mechanical integrity, or if the